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Randomly Kicked when playing MP

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10 years ago
Nov 30, 2014, 9:02:29 PM

i was playing with my friend only 2 of us, we both have a stable connection, sometimes we got Kicked by server (both of us) without a reason

System said due lost connection to the server

and when kicked out while first loading, it stuck in loading screen (won't return to menu)


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10 years ago
Dec 1, 2014, 12:54:12 PM
after several desconnected, i figured the current MP System is needed to connect to "Central Server" (Lobby)

if it's true, i have suggestion for the Private MP Session (that will be implemented later), make 2 options :

  • Peer to Peer
  • Connected to Lobby Server but locked with password

i know it's will be complex to implemented that, but it's just some suggestion from me smiley: biggrin
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