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Multiplayer crashing/disconnect

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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 2:17:43 PM

First I would like to send the respects of myself and friends who love DotE. It is incredible and we will surely put way too many hours into it, well, if it will let us.

We can all easily run the game, join a session, and start heading through floors. The problem is, repeatedly (and I mean over and over), the multiplayer game will randomly disconnect people from the multiplayer session. Sometimes it does it whenever it feels like it, but usually when we all reach the elevator and are heading to the next floor. I don't mean that someone is left behind, I mean it actually is telling the player and leaving a message for the rest of us that the player has been disconnected.

So, after hours of travailing through the crazy shenanigans that we do, usually at the best point when we are all about to celebrate our victory, someone get's removed from the game and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. They don't have a reconnect timer where they could re-establish the connection, they're just dead and now they are very frustrated and the rest of the crew is super disappointed to have come this far only to lose a party member to your game bug.

Look, we all love rogue likes and your spin on it is awesome, but if you are going to make a hardcore no save multiplayer game, either fix the bugs that are randomly d/c'ing people or allow a 1-2 minute pause/reconnecting time so that a person from an active session that get's DCed can rejoin and everyone can continue together.

I just bought this game for several friends and we spent 10 hours together playing it, even through the frustration, but towards the end about the 10th time it happened people were getting sick of it. If we are going to invest time and effort into a great strategy game the last thing we want to be killed by is bad implementation of code with no ability to recover from these network issues which will always happen.

We don't need save mode (although it would be nice to be able to at least have a way for groups to resume playing a session at a later time, that's a different message for a different thread), we need to have our fellow players who d/c for whatever reason have a window of time to rejoin the currently active session. It's not that much to ask for considering the commitment you expect out of players to accomplish what we have to do in DotE.

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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 4:03:24 PM
Hello annias and welcome to the forum! smiley: smile

We are aware of those issues and we are working a lot on the multiplayer stability. This is our top priority at the moment. I suggets you to read the latest Dev Blog we wrote about it: link.

I also suggest you to take a look at the improve list here.

We are glad that you like the game! smiley: approval

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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 7:04:19 PM
Saylawl wrote:
Hello annias and welcome on the forum! smiley: smile

We are aware of those issues and we are working a lot on the multiplayer stability. This is our top priority at the moment. I suggets you to read the latest Dev Blog we wrote about it: link.

I also suggest you to take a look at the improve list here.

We are glad that you like the game! smiley: approval


Hey Saylawl,

Just a friendly English tip: you would say "Hello and welcome TO the forum", not "on the forum".

Anyway, keep up the good work!
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