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Crash: after clicking "save and quite"

Copied to clipboard!
10 years ago
Dec 26, 2014, 7:51:10 AM
Hello, I'm a Japanese user living in Japan.

This game is excellent as its predecessor Endless Space, the only problem to me is these crash errors.

I hope my error report will be your help to improve the game's future stability.

The issue - The game crashed and returned to desktop just after I clicked "save and quit"

Specs - Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit (Japanese edition), intel i7 cpu 870@2.93GHz, 3.3 GB RAM, GTX 650 Ti

Version - 1.025

GAME SAVE - attached

OUTPUT LOG - attached

DIAGNOSTICS.HTML - attached all the error files

REGISTRY.XML - attached

Resolution - 1920 x 1080

Screenshots - The crash happened just after I clicked "save and quite" so I couldn't take any screenshots.

attached files.zip
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10 years ago
Dec 26, 2014, 10:37:04 AM
Same error occured again, here's another files.

Resolution - 1920 x 1080

Screenshots - The crash happened just after I clicked "save and quite" so I couldn't take any screenshots.

attached files 2.zip

I'm not sure my error reports could be useful...though.
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