Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

Crash: fatal error in gc: duplicatehandle failed

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10 years ago
Jan 20, 2015, 8:23:47 PM

I encountered a bug which cause to crash the game to desktop when "continuer" is selected (french version), displaying "fatal error in gc: duplicatehandle failed"

I'm playing on the 1.0.40 version. My computer run on Win 7 and I have a Radeon HD 6800 if that can help.

Also, my resolution seems wrong because every time I lauch the game, the title screen looks like what's in the screenshot : Black stripes on the sides.


registry and diagnostics.rar

I'm wondering if the problem could come from the today's update (1.0.40) : I played this morning without problem of any kind. After the update (this evening), the game crashed on the saving load...

Thanks for your help.
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10 years ago
Jan 21, 2015, 12:04:24 PM
Ok, never mind, I just read the changelog of 1.0.40 and it explicitly says : "We changed some critical assets in this version and old saves will not be compatible with this version. "
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