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Door Bug on Ice Environment

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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2015, 10:50:44 PM
When I played with 3 friends in multiplayer, we came to the ice world and there was that +-shaped room. When we tried to open the door, the one who opened it, got stuck and we had to restart the server. The player got free and was able to move again, but now nobody can walk up. Its the only way we didn't go and there is an invisible wall or something. Also, to be able to kill the monsters in that room, we needed turrets in order to kill them.

I uploaded a screenshot that you can see whats happening there:

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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 9:42:57 AM
Hello Jan5676, thank you for your report. The team is working on it, a patch will be ready soon.
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