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Dungeon of Endless crashes on start

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10 years ago
Dec 16, 2014, 2:47:44 AM
First lunch from steam, get this

Searching for solution found suggestion to add startup option "-force-d3d11". This resolved the issue, no crash, but game is too dark. Looks like whatever is responsible for drawing highlights around characters and objects is not working, so everything looks very bland.

I also found somewhere on steam forum that running with startup option "-force-opengl" resolved this issue for some users. For me, sadly, it leads to a crash. However this time application produces a report. I attached one. No report produced for run with "-force-d3d11". I am pleased to see that OpenGL is superior to Direct3D even when both crash.

P.S.: Your reports look legit, but I had to scramble Windows user name. I don't think you need that.

Thank you,

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10 years ago
Dec 23, 2014, 11:23:08 AM
Hello there and welcome to the forum!

Thank you a lot for your report, we will look into it for sure.

Edit: Can you please make sure you have the latest drivers installed? If not, please update them!
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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 4:18:19 PM
Hello, I'm sorry for the late answer.

Saylawl wrote:
Could you please try those two commands please? Here is how to: Right Click on Dungeon of the Endless in Steam > Select Properties > Define the launching options of the game > enter on command > Press Ok > Launch the game.

After that, you can test the other command.

Step 1: use -force-d3d11 to get the game to start. It will be super dark and borderline unplayable, but don't worry, you just need to do this to change it to windowed mode.

Step 2: Under video options, put it in windowed mode by deselecting the fullscreen checkbox, and choose a resolution that you like.

Step 3: Exit the game.

Step 4: Now, use -force-opengl and start the game. This will get rid of the lighting that d3d seems to have. The game should start, in windowed mode, and the lighting looks normal.

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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2015, 4:06:19 AM
Sorry if I'm breaking any necro thread rules, but I'm having this exact same problem. All drivers are up to date, and the above fix doesn't work. Game still crashes at the cave screen. I have also tried opening through running steam as an admin. Still no effect.
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