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All doors opening on floors 11/12

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9 years ago
Dec 3, 2015, 4:59:12 AM
Made a post on Steam Discussion but will move this here as it seems to be a bug.

Windows 10

Version 1.1.0

All DLC enabled

On floors 11 and 12, sometimes I will open one door and the rest of the doors will start opening at once, as if I picked up the crystal. This causes countless monsters to come after me and then I'm dead. I definitely did not pick up the crystal as all my characters were far away from it, and only one door was opened. Is this supposed to happen? Had a great game going for 2.5 hours and wiped in seconds. It does not seem to be a Hurnas Rider breaking open doors but please check the log.

At the end it says:

Dungeon.SpawnMobs: shouldn't be called when crystal has been plugged on exit slot!

and then

Mesh.colors is out of bounds. The supplied array needs to be the same size as the Mesh.vertices array.

a few hundred times.

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9 years ago
Dec 4, 2015, 2:28:37 PM
Thanks for your report, we'll look into it!
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