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Controller issues

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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 9:31:10 AM
I totally loved the idea to play the game with a controller since you announced the game for xbox!

However there seems to be a problem with the control pad on the pc Version (using a xbox one Controller). Healing your heroes isnt like intended on the top direction but on the right - the bindings are switched up to 90° degrees. And somehow you still cant use the heroes abilities on either direction of the control pad.
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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 11:33:11 AM
I have the same problem. I even checked the Registry file, but everything is correct there. but ingame

right is heal instead of skill 1, left is rest instead of skill 2. up and down are doing nothing at all. and right trigger is toggle room power and at the same time activates skills.
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9 years ago
Dec 1, 2015, 9:11:03 AM
Might be worth trying to start the game in compatibility mode for Win7 for now. See this excerpt of our troubleshooting thread below: smiley: smile

Right click the game icon, go to Properties and in the Compatibility tab, tick the box "Run this program as admin". In some cases your Documents folder might be read-only, if that is the case be sure to change that setting too!

Also worth a shot: running the game in compatibility mode for Windows 7. Same menu as above!

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9 years ago
Dec 20, 2015, 10:44:47 PM
Having button issues. Switched to use controller after a restart. The left stick works, but the buttons won't. I can't go back into options to reset it back. Had to force quit the game. Is there an option to allow the use of both at the same time. That would really be helpful.

Mac OS-X 10.11.2 with a PC Xbox controller
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9 years ago
Dec 23, 2015, 1:17:20 PM
Mac OS does not support controllers. I'm afraid we can't help there. smiley: frown
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9 years ago
Dec 24, 2015, 6:36:30 AM
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9 years ago
Dec 29, 2015, 5:44:31 AM
Having the same issues as JiNeTiK, running the game on my Mac, tried to use the controller and now when the game starts I can only use the left stick but none of the buttons. All very good saying that Mac OS doesn't support controllers (despite the fact that they work fine on multiple other games perfectly) but if you haven't included this feature why do the options allow to to select a pad as an option in the menus and now there is no way of altering the options using my keyboard.

Is the only option left to uninstall this game?
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9 years ago
Feb 16, 2016, 4:59:51 PM
iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011) 3.1 i5 20GB AMD Radeon HD 6970M

OS X el capitan: 1.1.3

Currently set to windowed mode at 1080 with steam overlay enabled.

Tried also with full screen at 1080 and with steam big picture mode.

Problem arising when not using the main keyboard and using the 'Steam Controller'. Steam controller configuration used is "perfect config".

When changing heroes using the keyboard bindings it will freeze the game, using keypress binding default 1 - 4 (tried other bindings also with same result) and will require force quiting the game and steam client as well. This will also require a reboot due to the keypress that was made in game is turned into a repetitive keypress throughout system. Reboot and will work fine as far as I can tell as long as i do not use a hero selection binding (virtual keyboard input error?) Clicking hero's with the steam controller to change heroes works fine though.

Reboot with windows 10 installed.. Game streams to steam link fine and overlay is working. Same controller config. When changing the hero the game will stutter and drop frames for a little bit then work fine. It almost crashes just like the osX install. It will work fine for the hero selection for the most part and stutter once in a while using the steam controller when i use the hero 1-4 bindings.

On fresh boot - When using the steam link first loading of the game can disable sound. -=- Exit game, Disconnect steam link, Reconnect steam link - sound works and game will load but will crash steam client. Force quit then restart and everything but previous issue is working.
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9 years ago
Mar 29, 2016, 3:24:11 PM
aVenger wrote:
I totally loved the idea to play the game with a controller since you announced the game for xbox!

However there seems to be a problem with the control pad on the pc Version (using a xbox one Controller). Healing your heroes isnt like intended on the top direction but on the right - the bindings are switched up to 90° degrees. And somehow you still cant use the heroes abilities on either direction of the control pad.

Long time no see. I know this one had been fixed but as I returned today to join the fun of just another round I was shocked to find out that the issue is back. Maybe some problem with merging the branches?

I thought i was lucky as i just could sign into a previous version (via beta context in steam). But this version is too old. I know you can fix this easily (as you did it before), so I'm looking forward to it.

(still on Windows 10)
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9 years ago
Apr 10, 2016, 3:04:39 AM
+1, having the same problem on windows 10. Tried running as admin with win 7 compatibility, no luck.
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9 years ago
Apr 26, 2016, 8:31:18 PM
In the new version 1.1.5 it's fixed again. So thank you and keep up the good work!
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