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Bug Report - How To

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11 years ago
Jan 6, 2014, 4:07:57 PM
Hi everyone,

Thank you for visiting the Tech Support forums and reporting your issues with Dungeon of the Endless. When posting a new thread, please provide all of these (zipped and linked to your post):

  • DESCRIPTION - Describe your issue: it's simple and it helps us understanding what you want us to fix.
  • YOUR SPECS - Your OS, screen resolution, etc.
  • VERSION - What is the game version? You can find this out in the game menu, at the left bottom of the screen. Saying "I'm playing on the latest version" does not unfortunately help ^^
  • GAME DIRECTORY - Zip the folder and upload it on Dropbox; don't just copy paste its location on your computer as we need to actually see the files! smiley: smile

    • For PC: /Dungeon of the Endless
    • For MAC: ~Library/Application Support/Dungeon of the Endless
  • SCREENSHOTS - By default on Steam, you need to press F12 to take a screenshot. Once you exit the game, you will find the screenshot manager window, press on "Show on disk" and grab the pictures you find relevant

Thank you.

Please note that you need to zip those documents and provide a dropbox (or similar) link to it in your post. Do not try to copy and paste the content of your files on your forums post either. Thank you!
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