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Xbox One Controls / Controller Mapping Broken

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8 years ago
Oct 30, 2016, 10:54:25 AM

It seems that the Right-Trigger is no longer mapped to anything in-game. Powering rooms on/off has been moved to Left on the D-Pad and Skill 1 is now Down on the D-Pad. Once you reach an elevator the Right-Trigger does absolutely nothing, impeding any further progress. I have tested this with a wired X1 Controller and connected wirelessly via the Xbox Wireless Adapter. My entire playtime with this game has been while using a controller, the controls have been properly mapped all year, not sure what has gone wrong.

Edit: Looks like Heal Hero is unmapped. Up on D-Pad seems to do nothing. Also, when you press Left on the D-Pad to Power Rooms On/Off even the Right-Trigger graphic across the top of the screen animates. I've tried Verifying game cache and booting the game -> disabling gamepad -> restart to take effect -> enabling gamepad controls -> restart to take effect -> starting  a playthrough to test controller mappings. I'm gonna try to re-install now.

Edit#2: Re-installing the game didn't help. Moving the game to another hard drive also didn't help. I also tried removing each DLC and update one by one and that also didn't help. I also noticed that the "Rest" command to refresh character skills in the pause is also unmapped.

GAME VER: 1.1.5
GAME PATH: F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dungeon of the Endless
DX DIAG: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocsr5u0m9utnq8f/DxDiag.txt?dl=0

OS: Windows 10 Pro Build 14393 (Anniversary Update Installed)

Link for the Steam thread: http://steamcommunity.com/app/249050/discussions/0/305510202672608076/

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 31, 2016, 11:39:24 PM

I have bought the game only recently, but it is at the moment unplayable with a controller.

As GothikaGeist mentions, the heroes cannot be healed. In my case, I've only seen the first floor of the game, as it does not register RT presses on the controller, making exiting the level impossible.

I am playing on an Xbox1 Controller w/ Wireless adapter on Windows 10 Pro 64, anniversary update applied.

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8 years ago
Oct 31, 2016, 11:41:20 PM


Version 1.1.5 with the Australium update and Amplitude Badge DLCs


Just downloaded the Death Gamble and Organic Matters, no differences, power room is still bound to Dpad <- instead of RT and RT doesn't do anything

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 4, 2016, 7:43:25 PM

@devs, check out this awesome video from the steam dev days 2016. It explains how to do controllers the right way:


ATM I cannot play this game which I've boughed for me and 2 of my friends. We like to play couch coops, and having bought a game that doesn't work is sad. Please look into this bug.

@GothikaGeist, to complete your nice opening post:

- Dpad-up does do something, it is mapped to skill2

- You can use the elevator using Dpad-left, same as powering rooms

The real problem is not being able to heal the heros, the minor problem is that all the in-game labels indicate the wrong buttons.

Updated 8 years ago.
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6 years ago
May 15, 2019, 5:20:44 AM

Bump. This seems to be the problem me and my bro are having, with the fact that the PC keyboard bindings for powering rooms are also not what they say they are. Even rebinding the keys doesn't give me back the ability to power a room. And my bro's XBox One controller issues match OP's. What happened? It's ridiculous for a game this old to have this grievous of an issue. :(

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