I love this game.. but the multiplayer is too buggy, and is in serious need of some patching. I just tried to play with a few friends. The game runs fine....until we finish a floor. We reach the elevator scene, the host clicks the ready / go button, and the game just breaks.

10% of the time, we get through the next level, great!

20% of the time, we all proceed to the loading screen, but it sits at 100% and nothing happens.

60% of the time, only a few players proceed to the loading screen, and nothing happens.

10% of the time, steam glitches and the game crashes.

Whenever the top three cases occur, we have previously been unable to reload the game as the save file was lost - (Due to rogue-like). Recently, however, we figured out how to backup our save games so that we can re-load our session and try again - unfortunately, after multiple such attempts, the game normally doesn't load.

We just finsihed level 3, entered the elevator scene, clicked next level. and then see above....  we tried to reload our backup multiple times... but couldn't play the game again without restarting from scratch (but there's not much point of that now is there)


Does anyone out there know any work arounds for this serious problem??????

The Developers seemed to have ABANDONED this otherwise amazing and unique game.


Single player works perfectly fine for me - I've never had an issue.

game version: 1.1.5 (not sure what my friends are playing on, though I assume they update automatically as I do)