So our favorite developer frog helped me out with this issue. My internal monitor on my laptop is set to display at 1024 x 640. (Blame my old eyes). DotE is quite happy to run full screen at that resolution, but on the Macintosh, when one window is running "full screen", it runs in its own virtual desktop and no other window is displayed.

Attempting to run in windowed mode resulted in Dungeon of the Endless trying to open a window with 1024 x 640 internal content (menubar, title bar, it does not all fit). This resulted in trying to play a game without seeing health bars at the top of the character portraits.


Working off very fragmentary knowledge of OSX's infrastructure and based on what I have on my Windows setup, I believe you should have a Registry.XML file, located in User/YOUR_USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Dungeon of the Endless/User (or somewhere else in the DotE folder), that you can edit with pretty much any word processor. I'd make a copy of that file and start changing Width and Height to your requirements.


Setting a height of 576, for a 16 x 9 resolution, resulted in being unable to see the bottom of the character descriptions. Using a height of 598 (actual available height after menubar and title bar) almost worked.

But the very bottom was still a little on the clipped side, and there was a big vertical space above the characters portraits.

Fiddling, it looks like about 614 or so gives visible character bars, and full display of the character sheet.

So this is the file that you want to edit, and what to look for if you want to run in a window, instead of full-screen.

The last line in the character display is "wit". You should be able to see icons in the three inventory slots to indicate the type of gear that goes into each slot. And there should be a bar above the character portraits that starts off green, and turns red as you take damage.