• Description:
    • I was playing a two player game with a friend. We played a lot of the game a few years ago, and never had an issue. Last night both our games crashed. The first crashed when my friend opened a door and a fight ensued. It seemed to be a de-sync where his game kept going and he reported seeing me move around the map, but I just saw him stuck in a room. I could still move around, shoot baddies and even open doors but nothing took permanent damage and I abandoned the game. The second game crashed when my friend opened the elevator and reported going to the stats screen between levels, however my screen didn’t change and I was left to die to the baddie horde.
  • Specs:

  • Screen Specs: 
    1. played on 1920x1080 screen
    2. had a second screen I was watching tv on at 1680x10050
  • Version: 1.1.5
  • Game Directory: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yzrt0d4q7xawjpk/AAAoLFJKH3hZH8jjpzT3RnQsa?dl=0
  • Screenshots: None