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2020 Multiplayer - will it ever be fixed

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5 years ago
Apr 1, 2020, 4:26:26 PM


I have Endless Space, Endless Legend and also DotE.

Recently I started playing DotE and realised how great it is. 

However I've managed ONLY ONCE to get good game with my buddies over the net. Single time. We waste everyday at least an hour trying to get into the game.

We are stuck on 100% loading screen.

1 gets kicked when 2 other load.

Lobby won't start.

One sees lobby and 2 other are hanging on 100% screen.

We start with catastrophic lag.

All of us have decent rigs, version of game is the newest available on steam 1.1.5.

We tried, reboots, nickname changes, router reboots, restart of steam, running compatibility mode (win7) on .exe of the game, reinstalling whole game, patching graphics card interface, installing game onto different drive. We all have good internet speed with less than 40ms ping (speedtest's) and download/upload above 50 meg.

We do not have any sort of issues in any other multiplayer game - L4D2, FTK, CS:GO - whatever. We never had any sort of issues, we always play together and this is the very first game where we had any sort of issues like that.

Started googling, apparently this issue is here for 6 years now! 

I beg you to do something about it as multiplayer is unplayable at this moment.

I wrote hole post in the meantime of riding an elevator from level 2 to level 3 in multiplayer for last 20 minutes when after an hour we finally managed to get into 1 game together.

We play as 3 "tanks" as other characters die in lag when we fight mobs but no one sees HP....

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5 years ago
Apr 1, 2020, 11:39:54 PM

Same happened to us today.  We all bought the game hoping to be able to play together, but we can't manage to get through a whole game without it messing up.  At some point during the game, we get stuck at loading the next floor and everyone gets disconnected.  When we try again with the save, noone has their characters/resources other than the host.  The game is basically unfinishable for us apparently, and we have more then 2 hours so steam won't give us refunds.  We're all pretty bummed because the game was a lotta fun, if only it worked!

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5 years ago
Apr 2, 2020, 8:50:40 AM


Steeeve wrote:

...and we have more then 2 hours so steam won't give us refunds...

Don't forget to leave a negative review, then. Amplitude should be held accountable for still selling their buggy products, while not willing to spend resources on fixing them, just "bEcAuSe We ArE fOcUsEd On HuMaNkInD"

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5 years ago
Apr 2, 2020, 8:58:21 AM

Hm, I've never had problems with DotE, but I feel you man, I have such passion for ES2 which is a good (!!) game simply abandoned by devs. I dunno what happened to their player friendly policy. Last 10 pages on the bug report section are either ignored or "passed along to the dev team" which is kind same nowadays..

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5 years ago
Jun 12, 2020, 7:12:44 AM

i have a similar problem we were all able to get a few good matches but then the game says lobby cant be found so we are unable to play. 2 months ago geez

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