Hello I have been playing Dungeon of the Endless on Steam for a few months now and I love it. When I saw it was ported to the PS4 yesterday I picked it up in a heart beat. After playing the game for a few hours I would run across half the heroes as I scale the floors and it won't let me recruit half of them due to a message saying "Unable to recruit: Incompatible Ship". What I don't understand is some of my runs I can initially recruit them but on other runs with the same initial characters I can't recruit them due to this message. Is this a bug because I have never seen this while playing the game on PC through Steam. Even tried backing out to main menu to re enter into game same problem. Closing app doesn't do anything either. Says current version is 1.1.8 on PS4. Most of my runs are with the initial Escape Pod but I have completed the game for the first time and tried with the Library Pod only to get the same message when I recruit certain heroes. Tried googling "Incompatible Ship" and got no results so decided the next logical step was to post in your forums.