Hey guys and gals!

We often mention our team in terms of "Amplidudes and Amplidudettes", but we decided we should give you folks an idea of who we mean. You've guessed it, it's time for another installment of our (semi-)regular feature, Meet the Team! In today's feature, we meet another studio veteran. If you want to know more about us, or your nephew wants to learn more about the career path of a game developer, or if you're just curious, read on.

Meet the man pulling the AI's strings in the shadows, Florian, aka ThorTillas!!

Who are you and what do you do at Amplitude?

Hi, I am Florian, a Swiss guy lost in the middle of Paris. I am doing programming stuff for Amplitude. I have participated in Endless Space's first software architecture and built up the foundations for our simulation with Eric our Tech director. Then I worked on a lot of gameplay for Space and then Legend. In the meantime, I was, with Adrien, working on AI… We did what we could and I hope you enjoyed at least a bit of it. ^^
Since November, we are both 100% on ES2's AI… And there is a lot to do! ^^

What were you doing before you joined Amplitude?
I worked for 2 years in Switzerland just after getting my engineer degree in a small company named Dartfish. It was my first job in programming and I learned a lot in a really small amount of time. There is no education that can prepare you for your first industry fire…
But then, my old gamer dream to join the game industry kicked in again… So I resigned from my job and I joined the ENJMIN (a game creation grad school) which is one of the biggest suppliers of employees and interns for Amplitude! ^^

When did you join the studio?
So, so long ago… something like 5 years ago? Yes 5 years… I joined as an intern when the studio was founded. And I never found the exit… so here I am!

What feature have you worked on that you're super proud of?
Ouch… That’s hard for a programmer… you only remember what does not work in your code or what you could have done better… But the simulation is one of the things that works pretty well (NDE: See this attachment for more on our simulation). And I am quite proud that we are still using it intensively.

What are you currently working on?
I am working on the new AI for ES2… Yeah, I know, it is a short answer… but if I get started, I'll never stop!

What's your favorite game of all time?
I need to choose only one? Let say Tomb Raider! That’s my first game on pc and the one that drove me to start programming and then try to get into the game industry.

Is there anywhere on the Internet where I can see more of your stuff?
Nope, I am a programmer, you know, the guy in the back that nobody wants to see and nobody wants to hear! ^^

What's your favorite faction or character in our games?
Hissho for ES1, I am kind of a samurai addict… and Cultist in EL. Even if they gave us a really hard time with gameplay as well as AI... I really like their atypical gameplay.

Is there a funny story that happened to you at Amplitude?
There are a lot of fun stories… Let’s pick one: I am the guy who forced a whole bunch of Amplidudes to run and dive into the snow. And I have the video to prove it.

What's your favorite junk food?
I think it’s fish and chips! With a Guinness of course! And if possible after a good day of walking in the Scottish rain! ^^

What's the most played song in your music library?
These last few months? “Castle in the snow” from Kadebostany! Otherwise it will probably be Tostaky from Noir Desir.

What's your favorite quote?
“No” to any designer request, if possible before they said anything.
“If you can walk, you can run” when going somewhere.

What's the next place you want to travel to?
I really want to try myself and my backpack on the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) or CDT (Continental Divide Trail) one day. It’s one of these projects you know you will do, but all you need is time… And with ES2 on the way, I don’t have any for now! So let’s see in a few years!

What obscure movie would you recommend watching?
Obscure like something in the dark? I have to say: NightWatch (1 and 2) and Franklyn!

What's the dish you cook to impress people?
Filet mignon aux herbes, patate rissolée, julienne de légumes. Or plain and simple Linguine with gambas flambe & Espelette pepper.

That's it for Florian! We hope you found this interesting. Comments or additional questions, feel free to ask!

If there's a question you would like us to ask the interviewees, let us know!