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3 years ago Jun 30,2022, 14:06:42 PM

ENDLESS™ Dungeon OpenDev Starts Now

8 196 Views

Welcome to the dungeon, we got guns and games! 

The “First Run” OpenDev starts today, and the first confirmation emails have been sent. If you haven’t gotten an email yet, don’t panic! The confirmation emails are going out in waves, so you may still receive yours in the next few days.

So, what do you do once you’ve got your mail? Three easy steps: 

  1. Make sure the Games2Gether account you applied from is linked to Steam  
  2. Redeem your OpenDev Access on your rewards page 
  3. Play the game, stream it if you want, break it, and most importantly, give us your feedback 

However, being in development, the system requirements for Endless Dungeon are still in flux, and may have changed since you applied. For a smooth experience, we currently recommend the following specs: 

  • Windows 7, 64-bit   
  • Intel i7 10th generation / AMD Ryzen 5 5600  
  • NVIDIA RTX 2070 / AMD RX 5700 XT  
  • 16Go RAM 

To help you get started, we’ve prepared a manual and a beginner’s guide. Once you’ve played a bit, the game will occasionally ask you to fill out a survey about your experience, but you can also share your feedback on our forum, or hang out with other OpenDev players on our Discord

This is only a sliver of what we have in mind for the game, but we hope you will already have lots of fun with the “First Run” OpenDev! 

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3 years ago
Jul 2, 2022, 7:50:49 AM
elviejogamer wrote:

El codigo cuanto tiempo tanta en llegar??? 

No enviamos ningún código, al llegarte el email diciendo que tienes acceso (mira en spam) simplemente tienes que ir al apartado de Rewards (el icono de un regalo, arriba a la derecha) para seleccionar la recompensa. No te olvides de vincular tu cuenta de Steam, esto es lo que permite que se añada diréctamente en tu libreria.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jul 2, 2022, 10:25:45 AM

I pushed my brother to subscribe to the openDev, he got in, not me while I did subscribe many days before.


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3 years ago
Jul 2, 2022, 11:34:21 AM

Nothing also on my side .... waiting and hoping

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3 years ago
Jul 3, 2022, 6:02:45 AM

How long does the first openflight go on for? And if I've got into this one does that mean I'm in all of them?


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3 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 10:30:44 AM

Runs fine on "High" settings (though I'd love to be able to tweak them) on i7 7th gen, 16gb ram, and 1080Ti - while streaming & recording - so for anyone worrying about it running, it'll still run fine on older systems.

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3 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 1:00:36 PM
Alzorath wrote:

Runs fine on "High" settings (though I'd love to be able to tweak them) on i7 7th gen, 16gb ram, and 1080Ti - while streaming & recording - so for anyone worrying about it running, it'll still run fine on older systems.

Is Streaming and Recording Allowed? i mean NDA and this?

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3 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 9:16:00 PM
CheesedFrog wrote:

I didnt get an email but on the main page of games2gether there was a message saying i got acces ! Lets goooo time to test the beast

Same, there was actually an e-mail in my junk folder. So try checking there.

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3 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 7:26:12 PM
Sublustris wrote:

lolwut? My PC meet and exceed those reqirements, but they are laughably insanely high, unless you have mandatory raytracing and thosands AI packages running simulteniously. Which you don't. 

lol, it actualy has raytraced shadows, probably from Unity HDRP. Amazing!

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3 years ago
Jul 5, 2022, 7:52:34 AM
Sarkas1704 wrote:
Alzorath wrote:

Runs fine on "High" settings (though I'd love to be able to tweak them) on i7 7th gen, 16gb ram, and 1080Ti - while streaming & recording - so for anyone worrying about it running, it'll still run fine on older systems.

Is Streaming and Recording Allowed? i mean NDA and this?

Yes of course,. You can make videos, streamings etc 

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3 years ago
Jul 5, 2022, 1:11:30 PM

This is what brought me to G2G in the first place, big excitement ^_^

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