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3 years ago Jun 30,2022, 14:06:42 PM

ENDLESS™ Dungeon OpenDev Starts Now

8 196 Views

Welcome to the dungeon, we got guns and games! 

The “First Run” OpenDev starts today, and the first confirmation emails have been sent. If you haven’t gotten an email yet, don’t panic! The confirmation emails are going out in waves, so you may still receive yours in the next few days.

So, what do you do once you’ve got your mail? Three easy steps: 

  1. Make sure the Games2Gether account you applied from is linked to Steam  
  2. Redeem your OpenDev Access on your rewards page 
  3. Play the game, stream it if you want, break it, and most importantly, give us your feedback 

However, being in development, the system requirements for Endless Dungeon are still in flux, and may have changed since you applied. For a smooth experience, we currently recommend the following specs: 

  • Windows 7, 64-bit   
  • Intel i7 10th generation / AMD Ryzen 5 5600  
  • NVIDIA RTX 2070 / AMD RX 5700 XT  
  • 16Go RAM 

To help you get started, we’ve prepared a manual and a beginner’s guide. Once you’ve played a bit, the game will occasionally ask you to fill out a survey about your experience, but you can also share your feedback on our forum, or hang out with other OpenDev players on our Discord

This is only a sliver of what we have in mind for the game, but we hope you will already have lots of fun with the “First Run” OpenDev! 

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3 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 5:35:32 PM

I imagine the Denuvo thing it's something from Sega and not Amplitude, Sega loves Denuvo in all their new games for some reason.
With sonic mania was the same, Denuvo at launch making the 16 bit game plays laggy and about a month after it was cracked, they took denuvo out of the game.

Denuvo is trash, pirated games run much better than the original games, it's like if they are punishing the consumer for wanting to have things legally.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 6:11:06 PM
NextDream wrote:

Denuvo is trash, pirated games run much better than the original games, it's like if they are punishing the consumer for wanting to have things legally.


Why do you punish your paying customers Amplitude?

Please get rid of this sh** and remove it from the game!

SpikedWallMan wrote:

...really...?  We're going to go through this again...?  Even after SpaceTroll's glowing post about Humankind's sales at launch...?  Even after the universal praise (read: media attention) for Amplitude being pro-consumer by reversing their Denuvo decision for Humankind...?  FWIW, this will be enough to get me to cancel my preorder plans.  *shakes head and rolls eyes*

Same. Denuvo is a no go!

No Preorder asslong as Amplitude don't come up with a statement that they will remove it from the final release version!

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 5:52:14 AM

I also applied with anticipation of gameplay, but I haven't received an email yet. Now that I have linked my Steam account, I want to join the tester too. I waited too long....T_T

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3 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 8:39:09 AM

For anybody still waiting for their email: Another wave should be sent today, and there may be further waves afterwards (I don't have the full schedule in mind.)

Now, to briefly address the elephant in the room here:

Khaar wrote:

The Steam page says that the game uses Denuvo as DRM. Is this true?

Is Denuvo already included in the OpenDev?

And do we really have to go through all this again after almost everyone clearly said that we don't want this in Humankind


As far as I have been told, one of the big problems we had with Denuvo in Humankind was that it was integrated too late, so we would not have had the time to fine-tune it to minimize any performance impact. So with Endless Dungeon, we want to start testing it much sooner.

But I understand that many players feel strongly about DRM and Denuvo in particular, so I would only ask you to please present these concerns in their own dedicated thread.

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3 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 11:27:22 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

But I understand that many players feel strongly about DRM and Denuvo in particular, so I would only ask you to please present these concerns in their own dedicated thread.

Done. Everyone please come and join the thread: Denuvo in Endless Dungeon - Please remove it!


Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 2:28:04 PM

I didnt get an email but on the main page of games2gether there was a message saying i got acces ! Lets goooo time to test the beast

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3 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 7:51:31 PM

When does the OpenDev end?

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