darkatra NewcomerdarkatraNewcomer2 500g2g pts a year ago Oct 19, 2023, 11:57:17 PM It is possible to Glitch the Bossfight in the Procedual Factory. Here's a Clip of me doing it in Solo Mode:https://clips.twitch.tv/BoringPluckyStapleCoolCat-z6f_02vV5D1BmyioIt also works in Multiplayer.Step by step of the bugStep 1Position one Character at the GateStep 2Position one Character near the CoreStep 3Switch Character to the one near the GateStep 4Command the Core to move to the Gate to start the BossfightStep 5Switch Character to the one near the starting PositionStep 6Slot the Core back to the starting Position (with a tiny bit of delay)Step 7Watch the Boss FreezeStep 8Kill the Boss onceStep 9Move the Core to mine the downed BossStep 10WinGeneral informationCategorySub-categoryGameplayIn-Run IssuePlatformDistributionGame versionPCSteam1.1.10083
It is possible to Glitch the Bossfight in the Procedual Factory. Here's a Clip of me doing it in Solo Mode:
It also works in Multiplayer.