We had a situation where after a wave happened, a few monsters just couldn't die. The turrets kept hitting them and self-damaged, but the monsters themselves couldn't move and stayed in 1 place with full hp bars.

We ignored them thankfully and played to our heart's contents.

In the sam run, maybe tied to the previous bug, a visual bug happened - the Wave incoming icon + text got stuck after some time, so till the end of the zone, we had it on our screens stuck on 4 seconds or something like that.

I've also heard reports of being unable to revive players when they die next to turrents but that wasn't encountered by me personaly but a top stam negative review.

Finally - please make the game harder. More impactful. More tactical. The first game by many is claimed to hav more depth, while the curernt one is all about smashing buttons, because you seem to have a ton of resources and not many ways of using them.

Stay strong and positive developers, show love to your creation and make it a beautiful thing that will turn this into the next masterpiece! o7

P.S: It was extremely infuriating to have to make another new online identity JUST TO HELP you guys out by submitting a bug report. Why not do an in-game interface of this wizard (over at https://community.amplitude-studios.com/amplitude-studios/endless-dungeon/bugs/create) that fetches all the necessary information, sends it to you guys, while the user just needs to describe the bug? Darkest Dungeon 2 has such a system. You can do it.