Also reported on Steam Forums by 3 different players:
"I have reached the final boss room(I think cuz I cant get past The Core) but when I enter the room the crystal bot will walk in and into a pillar unable to walk around it to slot in to the floor. I have done this 3 time and get to just watch the crystal bot slam head first into the pillar until I end the game."
Note from a player:
"i figured out what is causing it, i think. it is happening because of the pathing of the crystal bot, if i command the bot to stand at the side before opening the door it will walk straight in to the room but not straight in to the pillar. this only happens because the last slot it was in, the door, the pillar and the slot its trying to go to are all in a straight line, and i can only assume the ai cant figure out which path to take, so it shuffles at the pillar. That or it come comes from some of the geometry not being completely solid, like how you can shoot Bug Momma through the tanks that block her spit attack, letting you keep 100% up time on damage without getting hit."
In the core, after the elarya (spelling) ghost boss fight and making the crystal robot open the next door where there are 4 waves in each corner, it gets stuck on the pillar. I can’t save and can’t make the robot stop its pathing cuz it says robot is busy and it keeps walking into the pillar.