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Bridge Commander 2

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9 years ago
Jul 28, 2015, 12:16:27 AM
Hello fellow Trekkies and Trekkers!

I am Kenneth Emerson, Lead Developer of an extremely ambitious "Star Trek" PC Game titled "Bridge Commander 2" now before you say something like, "Wait, you can't do that, CBS/Paramount owns Star Trek!" - Actually, we can, They gave us permission to Fully Develop and Produce Bridge Commander 2.

With the help of several former Star Trek actors, some of which are still in talks, we have confirmed Garrett Wang, and John G Hertzler.

These 2 actors will be providing the voice acting for Harry Kim and Chancellor Martok.

Bridge Commander 2 is an enormous project with great ambitions, but we can't do it without the fans, so we are asking for your help. Simply click the link below and take a look at our Indiegogo page, if you feel compelled to contribute, well, we greatly appreciate it.

Live Long and Prosper.

Kenneth Emerson

Lead Developer, Bridge Commander 2.

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9 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 1:48:33 PM
Looks still too early in development to have a real idea of how it will look in the end. Also, not sure that it is the best time to create this kind of game considering the hype around all the other similar games. I will follow the development of the indiegogo though and wish you guys the best of luck!
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