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Endless Dungeon: What went wrong?

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9 months ago
Jun 11, 2024, 5:08:29 PM
Thanks for the heads up, I hope a fix for the Epic account linking issue is included in the update.

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9 months ago
Jun 13, 2024, 7:03:50 PM

Once again I say: Why this game? You have massive fan bases for both Endless Space and Endless Leg, either game sequel should have been next after Humanity.

Endless Dungeon was a super niche game to begin with which held no interest for people like me.

 Drop it like the old potato it is and quickly move on to a game people want before it is too late 

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9 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 6:14:52 AM

Daarkarrow wrote:

MachineSpirit wrote:

Has this game been abandoned?

We are working on the next update that should release really 🔜™ 

I doubt anyone is holding there breath at this point...I truly hope you make me eat these words.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 6:23:37 AM

Anyway, I came here to leave this: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Meilf/recommended/1485590/ 
My Steam Review

I've been burned so many times before. Luckily, this is half-baked. 

This is my first negative review and I only write it because I believe this could be something amazing, but it just isn't. The direction chosen seems....odd. We went from (Dungeon of the Endless) Pixelated mysterious sci-fi with a horror tinge to cartoony nonsense with a sci-fi tinge. The strength of this game's predecessor is nearly non-existent in favor of an almost friendly comical atmosphere.

You can unlock and complete everything in the game in 20 hours easy. That is...unacceptable. I suppose the hope is that the co-op adds replay-value. Or this hinges on added content. Honestly, this seems like the trope with Amplitude. Wonderful universe, optimized game, quality UI, stellar music and art, yet such a small amount of content. This game being the worst offender.

The strong points of the gameplay come from it's predecessor: unfortunately, it seems watered-down in comparison. Almost too easy. Not enough strategy is implemented in your runs.

I LIKE that you can view a map and plan your route in the HUB area, and then know what types of turrets to research and guns to go for, but it feels like I am stretching to find any amount of strategy beyond this.

I think a major flaw is changing the way creatures spawn in this compared to Dungeon of the Endless. In DotE, you power rooms with Dust. As long as a room is powered, creatures cannot spawn in it. Flipside, of course, is that un-powered rooms CAN spawn monsters. Small amounts of Dust would be gained by killing monsters and from opening doors. This added a wonderful layer of strategy as you could set up kill-rooms and generate Dust whilst leaving certain pathways safe. Further, you would have to plan your escape route. If done properly it could be a breeze, or if done poorly (or encounter bad-luck) then you fight your way to the exit. This was exciting. Removing this system removed a layer of depth that I rather enjoyed.

The system in Endless Dungeon is just too easy and shallow. To be fair, the monster spawn points aren't too bad an idea and I can find enjoyment in squashing them in their spawns. I also can respect the formula. To be clear: It doesn't suck, but leaves much to be wanted.

I find myself researching the same things every run. The turrets are generally 1 short-range high-damage and one long-range medium-damage for each element (except only one turret for regular old bullets). Then you build the damage amplifier to increase damage to those guys and you're done.

I tend not to generate a lot of food. Industry for turrets and science for more turrets. Food is used to buy medpacks (which I rarely need, if ever) and to upgrade your character. They've implemented a randomized upgrade system where you have to find the upgrade station and choose which upgrade to buy out of three random cards. These upgrades are generally "make your character ability more 'efficient' :/ " or "+50% knockback" or "25% shove damage" or "10% attack speed" or "20% attack damage, but take 20% more damage" or other mindless additions. WHAT A TRAGEDY! This is TOO generic.

I pick whatever weapons give me the elements I need, despite the minor variances in how they shoot. They are honestly very uninspired. They either shoot quickly, shoot slowly, or need to be charged. bleugh

I pick whatever characters need quests done and plan my routes around where they need to go. As NONE of them pique the grim-dark sci-fi nerd in me, but I am a completionist.

I bought every upgrade to every gun, despite their tedious additions (10% attack power oh my, penetrates 1 additional monster hot damn, +15% weapon speed jeez.) simply because it was so affordable after just a few runs.

There are Pros, don't get me wrong. The gameplay seems streamlined. It is wonderfully optimized. Despite the cartoony nature of the characters, the visuals are done very well. Each floor is unique and interesting, definitely some soul there. Of COURSE the soundtrack rocks. I like the addition of Boss Battles, however, the actual implementation, again, leaves me wanting.

I suppose that's where we are now. It left me wanting. Very little content. Very odd direction in characters and setting. There is SOMETHING GOOD here, but it's buried under strange decisions. It feels like the developers (or publisher >.>) wanted to appeal to a particular crowd. Why that crowd wasn't the fan-base of the original is beyond me. Despite not recommending this to others, I will continue to play when new content is released and truly hope this EVENTUALLY becomes a deeper, more rewarding, higher strategy, and darker set, game.

||AD.|| 01/18/2024 Updates have been sparse and focusing on issues that were present at release and not so much about changing gameplay or the way things upgrade. So, as of now, 3 months after release, still no real change to the gameplay. Perhaps should've released this month or next instead of shortly before all the end of year holidays? 

 ||AD.|| 01/29/2024 Skin-pack cross-over, no change to gameplay still...

||AD.|| 04/08/2024 They seem more concerned with platitudes like 'connecting with the player' and 'community management' rather than improving upon the game itself. Pretty clear at this point nothing grand will happen. More power to them, I suppose. Good luck with whatever game this is. Hopefully Amplitude will realize the diamond in the rough they have with DotE some day...

||AD.|| 04/08/2024 cont. As I read more and more reviews, Positive reviews seem to be people who are confused as to why the game is viewed so negatively. To that I say: "Go play Dungeon of the Endless." It's cheap and beyond worth it. To the positive reviews that say: "This is a 'different game' so you can't hold it to the standard of DotE." To that I say: "It is CLEARLY derivative of DotE, thus I can do nothing but compare it to DotE. Go play Dungeon of the Endless."

||AD.|| 05/19/2024 No news since February (which was a community outreach post). Last "hotfix" (April) only adjusted the description of their cross-over skin-pack. Time of Death, Doctor? Maybe some much needed restructuring is taking place.

||AD.|| 06/14/2024 All quiet until a cryptic message on the G2G Forums from an Admin in response to a post asking if the game is abandoned: 06/11/24 Daarkarrow wrote: " We are working on the next update that should release really 🔜™ "

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 6:31:40 AM

Also, this review by Capt. Autismo caught my eye for being the only positive review I completely agreed with: https://steamcommunity.com/id/TakenoDutchman/recommended/1485590/

Verdict: Fine title for some good coop fun if bought during a sale.

Good framework, but stuck in mediocrity due to shallow gameplay that reduces replayability: not great for a rogue-lite title.

Neat little game that is pretty enough to look at within the Endless Universe.

- The more Marvel-style and Gen-Z dialogue is not for everyone, given the franchise I can understand that it puts soms people off.

- It does not add a whole lot of depth to Endless Lore with pretty much no species representation from Endless Space/Legend: a missed opportunity.

Gameplay is mostly solid, a real time top-down shooter.

- for further replayability it could use more depth; compared to cheaper rogue-lite the mechanical depth is lacking.

- the heroes have their own skills and attributes, but the game UI is not properly utilised to display an indepth detailed breakdown of exact number/formulas: this compounds onto the shallow gameplay feeling.

- Playing solo is not a dreadful experience, the NPC's play somewhat competently, however you cannot set their behaviour or actions, e.g. Dragon Age Origin. It would be great if you could make them boost/repair turrets on their own.

- The buildables are unbalanced, as it seems to aim at a paper-rock-scissor principle, but some options are clearly superior regardless of circumstance while others are utter dreck even when play into their designated enemy type.

- The weapons are bland; they lack depth and the excitement of substantial/gamechanging legendary upgrades.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 8:06:48 AM

ThePilot wrote:

Anyway, I came here to leave this: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Meilf/recommended/1485590/ 
My Steam Review

I've been burned so many times before. Luckily, this is half-baked. 

This is my first negative review and I only write it because I believe this could be something amazing, but it just isn't. The direction chosen seems....odd. We went from (Dungeon of the Endless) Pixelated mysterious sci-fi with a horror tinge to cartoony nonsense with a sci-fi tinge. The strength of this game's predecessor is nearly non-existent in favor of an almost friendly comical atmosphere.

Thanks for the review!

I wanted to clarify that Endless Dungeon is not a direct sequel to Dungeon of the Endless (otherwise it will be called DotE2). It is clear that we took some elements that inspired us, but we wanted to try something different. 

Edit: You make it sound like it is the only negative review you ever wrote (here is a personal feeling), while you have other negative reviews (but yes in terms of the timeline it was your first negative).

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 2:49:12 PM

Daarkarrow wrote:

ThePilot wrote:

Anyway, I came here to leave this: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Meilf/recommended/1485590/ 
My Steam Review

I've been burned so many times before. Luckily, this is half-baked. 

This is my first negative review and I only write it because I believe this could be something amazing, but it just isn't. The direction chosen seems....odd. We went from (Dungeon of the Endless) Pixelated mysterious sci-fi with a horror tinge to cartoony nonsense with a sci-fi tinge. The strength of this game's predecessor is nearly non-existent in favor of an almost friendly comical atmosphere.

Thanks for the review!

I wanted to clarify that Endless Dungeon is not a direct sequel to Dungeon of the Endless (otherwise it will be called DotE2). It is clear that we took some elements that inspired us, but we wanted to try something different. 

Edit: You make it sound like it is the only negative review you ever wrote (here is a personal feeling), while you have other negative reviews (but yes in terms of the timeline it was your first negative).

Thank-you for taking the time to respond. I am not trying to be antagonistic, simply critical. It is one of 4 negative reviews I have written, and you correctly surmised it was my first.

I never said it was a sequel, I said:
""To that I say: "It is CLEARLY derivative of DotE, thus I can do nothing but compare it to DotE."""

Your average consumer doesn't care what you "say". They only see the product. Your product SCREAMS DotE.
You put the Endless tag on it. You put Dungeon on it. You yourselves state that it is "OF DotE".
Here is what was told to us originally by your studio:

 (Excerpt from an article in the News on the Dungeon of the Endless Steam Page from 2020)

Hang on a minute! Crashed in the ruins of an ancient precursor empire? A mysterious crystal to power their wondrous technology? Turrets to fend of endless waves of enemies that make escape virtually impossible? All of this will sound very familiar to many of you, bringing back memories of our first venture into the rogue-lite genre, Dungeon of the Endless.

That spiritual ancestor to Endless Dungeon was born from an idea – more of a joke, really – kicked around at one of our community events. A small team of devs assembled a prototype, and we knew we had something special on our hands with our “Roguelike Tower-Defense Dungeon Crawler”: It’s as wild a ride as that mouthful of a genre description. Yet we did not expect it to become such a hit with our fans, a passionate community quickly growing around it.

We’ve learned a lot from making that game, the feedback our community gave us, and the stories they told of their best moments with it. So we’ve taken it back to the drawing board and built an entirely new experience with the same spirit, emphasizing direct control of the action and a great multiplayer experience, while keeping the same focus on tactical combat, wave-based defenses, and exploration!

You should not argue that it's "a different game" whilst you heavy-hand its connection to DotE. Is that truly the hill you want to die on? What do you think people expect when they see all this leading up to the release? If you guys were so intent on making something completely new out of the inspiration you gained from making DotE, then you should have further removed yourselves from the universe. Hindsight is 20/20; Foresight is forever. I suspect it was a calculated move, though.

You marketed to multiple demographics, and then appealed to a very singular demographic on release. Was this due to naiveté or from disconnection? Or was this intentional to wrack up sales? Or was it ignorance? From the perspective of the consumer, how are we to know you aren't shooting for the dollar bills and throwing away your stated values. I am not suggesting any of this, merely glimpsing the mind of your average player.

My response to Capt. Autismo's review seems pertinent:

I agree with everything you say, but will retain my negative review.

I will say you're saying the same thing as negative reviews but you're willing to disassociate it intelligently from DotE, and call out other faults such as not utilizing the universe it is already in. This hits the nail on the head for why there is so much anger surrounding this release.

I think this game would have benefited from not stamping the Endless tag on it, as it poorly represents the established universe in conjunction with all previous titles. However, if that were the route taken then I (and many others) wouldn't even have had this game on their radar.


Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 5:06:23 PM

SpikedWallMan expertly documents the major issues.

This portion was particularly good:

SpikedWallMan wrote:

2. This game could never decide whether it was an action game or a strategy game, and the imbalance between the two genres was never resolved in the central game design.  This has been my primary complaint since the very first OpenDev, and I'm seeing a lot of people in the reviews who are in agreement with my previous comments.  What the devs did here was take DotE which is a strategy-heavy game, take out a lot of the strategy, and then add just a nominal amount of action to replace the missing strategy components.  So the result is that the people who played DotE for the strategy will keep playing DotE because they are disappointed that TED doesn't at least have the same amount of strategy as in DotE, and people who play action shooters/crawlers will play about anything else because they are only getting a minimal amount of action content compared to competing action games.  What we have here is an attempt change the fusion of the two genres that doesn't have enough of either genre to appeal to fans on each side of the line, and that was my original conern after playing the game for the first time.

To summarize: Not enough Strategy, low quality Action. 
The vast majority of Steam reviews praising this game are those with minimal experience in the genre looking to co-op a twin-stick shooter with their buddy.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 5:44:46 PM

I do not expect a response to my rambling as your hands are probably tied, but I want you to know that the minimal response you gave was appreciated, and that I will still follow the game if it heads in a positive direction. I'd rather be the jerk than be right, in the end...
I was hurt by this game, and I wanted Amplitude to know, for whatever its worth. 

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 16, 2024, 12:30:58 PM

Daarkarrow wrote:

I wanted to clarify that Endless Dungeon is not a direct sequel to Dungeon of the Endless (otherwise it will be called DotE2). It is clear that we took some elements that inspired us, but we wanted to try something different.

Yes, not making a direct sequel may have been the intent, but, as I have said before, in this case I honestly think that "Endless Dungeon" was a completely wrong name choice for the game.  I think you all should have named it "Endless Station" or something else which doesn't have "Dungeon" in the title in order to drive home the point that it's a different game.  You would have still gotten comparisons because of shared gameplay elements, but at least people's expectations would have been a little different when reading the title.

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9 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 7:30:44 AM

ThePilot wrote:

I do not expect a response to my rambling as your hands are probably tied, but I want you to know that the minimal response you gave was appreciated, and that I will still follow the game if it heads in a positive direction. I'd rather be the jerk than be right, in the end...
I was hurt by this game, and I wanted Amplitude to know, for whatever its worth. 

No worries, I mean I like interaction with the players as in the end, it is my job to do :P

I totally understand that with the word "Dungeon" (but in a way is a "dungeon") or the connection could be a "direct sequel" from DotE. As it was not the case we see Endless Dungeon as a spiritual successor, meaning that to "us" is not 100% direct. We took some elements and then tried to innovate/change from DotE. An example here is the full control of the heroes + Twin Stick Shooter elements (an outside example could be taking the Assasin Creed franchise and changing it to a DotE style, top-down with no direct control, which could be amazing, but I am sure a lot of elements in the game cannot be the same).

I am the first one who has been reading most comments since day 1 of release (and well earlier than that), but there were elements that with the current gameplay were not possible (like the use of dust to turn On/Off rooms, as it was not working at all with the fixed spawn, etc.) to bring from DotE.
We have tried to make it crystal clear from day 1 that this was not a DotE2 but I do understand that a lot of players were expecting that or arrived here expecting that.

Then the balance strategy/action has been something the team has in mind and tried to work with the different balancing and changes.
In the past, there were builds in which you could finish the entire game without any turret (which could be funny), but there has been some balancing in order to mix these 2 elements of strategy/action (while I know there are people that they do not want this, but it is something that from a creative perspective we wanted to have). There are other elements that I'm sure can be improved and others that in order to make it more impactful will need an entire rework (which I cannot promise to happen).

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9 months ago
Jun 18, 2024, 2:55:42 PM

Daarkarrow wrote:

ThePilot wrote:

I do not expect a response to my rambling as your hands are probably tied, but I want you to know that the minimal response you gave was appreciated, and that I will still follow the game if it heads in a positive direction. I'd rather be the jerk than be right, in the end...
I was hurt by this game, and I wanted Amplitude to know, for whatever its worth. 

No worries, I mean I like interaction with the players as in the end, it is my job to do :P

I totally understand that with the word "Dungeon" (but in a way is a "dungeon") or the connection could be a "direct sequel" from DotE. As it was not the case we see Endless Dungeon as a spiritual successor, meaning that to "us" is not 100% direct. We took some elements and then tried to innovate/change from DotE. An example here is the full control of the heroes + Twin Stick Shooter elements (an outside example could be taking the Assasin Creed franchise and changing it to a DotE style, top-down with no direct control, which could be amazing, but I am sure a lot of elements in the game cannot be the same).

I am the first one who has been reading most comments since day 1 of release (and well earlier than that), but there were elements that with the current gameplay were not possible (like the use of dust to turn On/Off rooms, as it was not working at all with the fixed spawn, etc.) to bring from DotE.
We have tried to make it crystal clear from day 1 that this was not a DotE2 but I do understand that a lot of players were expecting that or arrived here expecting that.

Then the balance strategy/action has been something the team has in mind and tried to work with the different balancing and changes.
In the past, there were builds in which you could finish the entire game without any turret (which could be funny), but there has been some balancing in order to mix these 2 elements of strategy/action (while I know there are people that they do not want this, but it is something that from a creative perspective we wanted to have). There are other elements that I'm sure can be improved and others that in order to make it more impactful will need an entire rework (which I cannot promise to happen).

I personally think if you guys scrapped the weapons and level-up system currently implemented in favor of more unique weapons and also different more stylized level ups based on the character, you'd be rocking it. That can't be that code-breaking, right?
Quality over quantity. Circling back to my review, every system is too general and bland.
Get rid of the rock/paper/scissors turret system, it is far too simplistic. This is much harder to do I imagine.
It's strange not seeing FIDSI, and I realize the traditional Dust system won't work here, but I am sure there is another use for Dust :/ 

I'd like to clarify it's obviously not a 'direct sequel', but people were expecting more given DotE. Also, people were expecting a different setting given the rest of the Endless Universe.

I will say Viggie seems to be a step in the right direction, but personally I will wait until something is done about the strategy elements before I invest my time into Endless Dungeon, again. 
Good luck over there. 

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 18, 2024, 3:17:50 PM

ThePilot wrote:

SpikedWallMan expertly documents the major issues.

This portion was particularly good:

SpikedWallMan wrote:

2. This game could never decide whether it was an action game or a strategy game, and the imbalance between the two genres was never resolved in the central game design.  This has been my primary complaint since the very first OpenDev, and I'm seeing a lot of people in the reviews who are in agreement with my previous comments.  What the devs did here was take DotE which is a strategy-heavy game, take out a lot of the strategy, and then add just a nominal amount of action to replace the missing strategy components.  So the result is that the people who played DotE for the strategy will keep playing DotE because they are disappointed that TED doesn't at least have the same amount of strategy as in DotE, and people who play action shooters/crawlers will play about anything else because they are only getting a minimal amount of action content compared to competing action games.  What we have here is an attempt change the fusion of the two genres that doesn't have enough of either genre to appeal to fans on each side of the line, and that was my original conern after playing the game for the first time.

To summarize: Not enough Strategy, low quality Action. 
The vast majority of Steam reviews praising this game are those with minimal experience in the genre looking to co-op a twin-stick shooter with their buddy.

I have been playing strategy games since the 80's and I thought this game was fantastic. No offense but you might want to add a bit more "IMHO" around your postings. I think the issue they ran into was a number of users had their feelings hurt as this game was different than the first one and they expected a pure strategy game. In terms of a combination of action and strategy with great coop elements this game hits it out of the park (IMHO). 

Those users then banded together and review bombed it therefore actually lowering the chance of a getting any further game at all. 

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9 months ago
Jun 18, 2024, 3:34:18 PM

I was gonna let it be, but I can't.
I have now multiple times said very succinctly that this game is derivative of DotE, NOT a "Direct Sequel".

To use your Assassin's Creed example:
If I were Ubisoft and wanted to try something different using Assassin's Creed as my inspiration, and made a game called "Creed of the Assassin" where the differences were:
   -Graphics are happy and cartoony (appealing to a different demographic hopefully) as opposed to the established realism in the Franchise
   -Simplify the combat system to be just a knife attack, sword swing, and crossbow shot
   -Implemented a strategic system where knife beats crossbow, crossbow beats sword, and sword beats knife

   -Flavor the setting with Assassin's Creed, but not let it hold any substance of the established universe
   -Made 9 different "assassins", each with 3 abilities that separate them from each other, where they level up their strength, dexterity, or vitality as the game progresses 

   -Changed the camera to be Isometric top-down

Leading up to release we tell our community that this "isn't Assassin's Creed, but we learned a lot from our time making Assassin's Creed and want to advance the genre further". 
The community buys it! They all get the game or follow it expecting to see "What's next for Assassin's Creed!" 

Upon release, the community we marketed to explodes over how derivative it is, constantly comparing it to Assassin's Creed and showing where it falls short of it's predecessor. 
(Personally, I would immediately think that Ubisoft was just using their franchise name to sell the game.)

Are you picking up what I'm putting down, @Daarkarrow ? Ya'll tied the game to DotE, and now it is your Ball-and-Chain whether you agree with it or not. It is glaringly obvious this is not a 'direct sequel', and no one ever said as much. IT IS DERIVATIVE.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 18, 2024, 3:39:07 PM

P0ndering wrote:

ThePilot wrote:

SpikedWallMan wrote:

To summarize: Not enough Strategy, low quality Action. 
The vast majority of Steam reviews praising this game are those with minimal experience in the genre looking to co-op a twin-stick shooter with their buddy.

I have been playing strategy games since the 80's and I thought this game was fantastic. No offense but you might want to add a bit more "IMHO" around your postings. I think the issue they ran into was a number of users had their feelings hurt as this game was different than the first one and they expected a pure strategy game. In terms of a combination of action and strategy with great coop elements this game hits it out of the park (IMHO). 

Those users then banded together and review bombed it therefore actually lowering the chance of a getting any further game at all. 

Why do I need to preface my honest opinion with "in my honest opinion" for you to know that it is my honest opinion...
Also, no one "banded together". This wasn't a "conspiracy of the butthurt fanboys" who couldn't allow Amplitude their success...Seriously?
How about instead of your platitudes, you tell me exactly why I am wrong, other than defending it because I come across as a bully. I, at least, have the level of respect to lay bare my analysis (albeit critical) of the game. 

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Jun 19, 2024, 7:34:49 AM

ThePilot wrote:

I was gonna let it be, but I can't.
I have now multiple times said very succinctly that this game is derivative of DotE, NOT a "Direct Sequel".

To use your Assassin's Creed example:
If I were Ubisoft and wanted to try something different using Assassin's Creed as my inspiration, and made a game called "Creed of the Assassin" where the differences were:
   -Graphics are happy and cartoony (appealing to a different demographic hopefully) as opposed to the established realism in the Franchise
   -Simplify the combat system to be just a knife attack, sword swing, and crossbow shot
   -Implemented a strategic system where knife beats crossbow, crossbow beats sword, and sword beats knife

   -Flavor the setting with Assassin's Creed, but not let it hold any substance of the established universe
   -Made 9 different "assassins", each with 3 abilities that separate them from each other, where they level up their strength, dexterity, or vitality as the game progresses 

   -Changed the camera to be Isometric top-down

Leading up to release we tell our community that this "isn't Assassin's Creed, but we learned a lot from our time making Assassin's Creed and want to advance the genre further". 
The community buys it! They all get the game or follow it expecting to see "What's next for Assassin's Creed!" 

Upon release, the community we marketed to explodes over how derivative it is, constantly comparing it to Assassin's Creed and showing where it falls short of it's predecessor. 
(Personally, I would immediately think that Ubisoft was just using their franchise name to sell the game.)

Are you picking up what I'm putting down, @Daarkarrow ? Ya'll tied the game to DotE, and now it is your Ball-and-Chain whether you agree with it or not. It is glaringly obvious this is not a 'direct sequel', and no one ever said as much. IT IS DERIVATIVE.

Yes, i totally get your point. We have tried to differentiate in the communication to make it clear that it was not a direct sequel but I agree that we didn't success to the 100%

People was expecting and wanted a sequel, and therefore some suggestions was around going back to DotE2 mechanics (which I'm the first one that love the game), which was out of scope (not an easy solution).

ThePilot wrote:
I personally think if you guys scrapped the weapons and level-up system currently implemented in favor of more unique weapons and also different more stylized level ups based on the character, you'd be rocking it. That can't be that code-breaking, right?
Quality over quantity. Circling back to my review, every system is too general and bland.
Get rid of the rock/paper/scissors turret system, it is far too simplistic. This is much harder to do I imagine.
It's strange not seeing FIDSI, and I realize the traditional Dust system won't work here, but I am sure there is another use for Dust :/ 

Ah yes I can tell you that a lot of things can do a "code-breaking" and there are some ideas, like certain things to include as weapon chips (that could differentiate a lot of the weapons) that the base system does not support, so it is not something we can just simply add. 

You do not have FIDSI but do have FIDS so we tried to keep most of our resources in the base game as our "identity"  (Amplitude Games)

But I agree that I would love more unique weapons or upgrades that change completely how a hero is played.

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9 months ago
Jun 19, 2024, 7:22:39 PM

Daarkarrow wrote:

ThePilot wrote:

I was gonna let it be, but I can't.
I have now multiple times said very succinctly that this game is derivative of DotE, NOT a "Direct Sequel".

To use your Assassin's Creed example:
If I were Ubisoft and wanted to try something different using Assassin's Creed as my inspiration, and made a game called "Creed of the Assassin" where the differences were:
   -Graphics are happy and cartoony (appealing to a different demographic hopefully) as opposed to the established realism in the Franchise
   -Simplify the combat system to be just a knife attack, sword swing, and crossbow shot
   -Implemented a strategic system where knife beats crossbow, crossbow beats sword, and sword beats knife

   -Flavor the setting with Assassin's Creed, but not let it hold any substance of the established universe
   -Made 9 different "assassins", each with 3 abilities that separate them from each other, where they level up their strength, dexterity, or vitality as the game progresses 

   -Changed the camera to be Isometric top-down

Leading up to release we tell our community that this "isn't Assassin's Creed, but we learned a lot from our time making Assassin's Creed and want to advance the genre further". 
The community buys it! They all get the game or follow it expecting to see "What's next for Assassin's Creed!" 

Upon release, the community we marketed to explodes over how derivative it is, constantly comparing it to Assassin's Creed and showing where it falls short of it's predecessor. 
(Personally, I would immediately think that Ubisoft was just using their franchise name to sell the game.)

Are you picking up what I'm putting down, @Daarkarrow ? Ya'll tied the game to DotE, and now it is your Ball-and-Chain whether you agree with it or not. It is glaringly obvious this is not a 'direct sequel', and no one ever said as much. IT IS DERIVATIVE.

Yes, i totally get your point. We have tried to differentiate in the communication to make it clear that it was not a direct sequel but I agree that we didn't success to the 100%

People was expecting and wanted a sequel, and therefore some suggestions was around going back to DotE2 mechanics (which I'm the first one that love the game), which was out of scope (not an easy solution).

ThePilot wrote:
I personally think if you guys scrapped the weapons and level-up system currently implemented in favor of more unique weapons and also different more stylized level ups based on the character, you'd be rocking it. That can't be that code-breaking, right?
Quality over quantity. Circling back to my review, every system is too general and bland.
Get rid of the rock/paper/scissors turret system, it is far too simplistic. This is much harder to do I imagine.
It's strange not seeing FIDSI, and I realize the traditional Dust system won't work here, but I am sure there is another use for Dust :/ 

Ah yes I can tell you that a lot of things can do a "code-breaking" and there are some ideas, like certain things to include as weapon chips (that could differentiate a lot of the weapons) that the base system does not support, so it is not something we can just simply add. 

You do not have FIDSI but do have FIDS so we tried to keep most of our resources in the base game as our "identity"  (Amplitude Games)

But I agree that I would love more unique weapons or upgrades that change completely how a hero is played.

I smiled after reading this. In a good way. Thank-you :)
Let me say...I have never been so proactive about communicating my disappointment for any other game ever. If this doesn't show the importance of your game to people like me, then nothing will.

Sooooo, yes. What if every character had their own weapon? (like DotE) 
You'd be providing not only more value to the player, but also you could generate the love/following you want to see for each character, which is something you guys are outwardly focused on. 

Make everything revolve around each character. Give someone a sword for pete's sake! Remove the Leveling stations and bring it back to DotE-style progression where the food heals and also is your method of leveling. Make each level provide basic stat-boosts and also occasionally another skill (or something)(like-DotE). Do you not see the magic in that formula? I'm certain you must. 
It would require a substantial rework, yes, but at this point if you intend on making this game as popular as you seem to want, I see no other way forward. You won't win people like me back without some strong rework. If you're too deep, then learn what you can from this experience, and then make DotE 2.
You now have strong irrefutable data to suggest that will be a hit and make sales, making it a worthwhile proposal to SEGA.

If your intention remains that this is not a continuation of the DotE genre (despite what your studio as before stated) then CHANGE THE NAME and stop saying things like, "We took some elements and then tried to innovate/change from DotE". Because you didn't innovate, you derived...heavily

Obviously changing the name would be the wrong route to take, and you guys should just scrap your stance and make it DotE2. CLEARLY this is what your fan-base wants, and what you knowingly or unknowingly led your community to believe. 

Again, thank-you for the response. I realize I am being extra difficult. I love your games (mostly/obviously) and also sincerely respect your universe.

Updated 9 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 20, 2024, 11:35:37 AM

ThePilot wrote:

Obviously changing the name would be the wrong route to take, and you guys should just scrap your stance and make it DotE2. CLEARLY this is what your fan-base wants, and what you knowingly or unknowingly led your community to believe. 

At the the point that the game is at now, I think that a better choice would be to just start from scratch on DotE2 instead of trying to turn TED into DotE2.  Trying to take this game and rework it would be a massive effort that would probably not result in the outcome that you are hoping for.

Also, if they wanted to try a twin-stick dungeon crawler on the space station again, I would be interested if they made something along the lines of Enter the Gungeon.  (Hint, hint, @DaarkArrow.)

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 21, 2024, 5:07:04 AM

SpikedWallMan wrote:

ThePilot wrote:

Obviously changing the name would be the wrong route to take, and you guys should just scrap your stance and make it DotE2. CLEARLY this is what your fan-base wants, and what you knowingly or unknowingly led your community to believe. 

1. At the the point that the game is at now, I think that a better choice would be to just start from scratch on DotE2 instead of trying to turn TED into DotE2.  Trying to take this game and rework it would be a massive effort that would probably not result in the outcome that you are hoping for.

2. Also, if they wanted to try a twin-stick dungeon crawler on the space station again, I would be interested if they made something along the lines of Enter the Gungeon.  (Hint, hint, @DaarkArrow.)

1. I wasn't very clear but that is what I was saying. As in, instead of changing the name (which isn't really an option), then they should move on and work on DotE2 since it clearly would sell and would be an easy pitch to their publisher I'd imagine. ((Assuming it hasn't already been pitched...or assuming they didn't already pitch ED as the "next DotE" to them like they (accidentally, apparently?) did to the consumer.))
2. Right? I was thinking: ED should be heavily based on the character's and give each one their own weapon. Like, concentrate on the individuality of the character above all else. I feel for ED this is the only option to make the game relevant.

Updated 8 months ago.
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