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Please have some of our favorite characters!

Elise Ness
Ken Massoqui
Mizi Kurtiz
Gork "Butcher" Koroser
Max O'Kane
Troe Pekenyo
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3 years ago
Jun 11, 2021, 3:00:55 AM

Mizi Kurtiz was one of my all time characters from Dungeon of the Endless and she needs a slot in Endless Dungeon. I'm sure there are other characters that the community would like to see return as well.

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3 years ago
Jul 3, 2021, 1:53:30 AM

Imma be sad if Sasha isn't in Endless Dungeon, they could do so much creative stuff with her ability set and pet monsters are always awesome.

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3 years ago
Jul 4, 2021, 1:24:22 PM

Nanor chief is the strongest character, and i'll be very sad if he won't be(at least) mentioned.. :/

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