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Finding the Fun

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2 years ago
Nov 18, 2022, 1:28:12 PM

Upfront, I realize this game probably isn't for me. But I've played in both OpenDev events and felt I should provide my feedback somewhere. I also haven't gotten to try coop yet, and that may be a big factor. 

The resource scarcity kills this game for me. Either I hoard them and make as few turrets as possible and watch remote generators die unprotected while I defend a choke point and my bot teammate barely holds another or I build more and lack resources to react to situations or get anything upgraded, or make it to the next room with empty tanks. 

I want to enjoy exploring creepy sci-fi areas and kill bugs and I want to build turrets and watch them mow down hoards. I think I need to just go back to Deep Rock Galactic. I feel like I'm not tactical or patient enough for Endless Dungeon.

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2 years ago
Nov 19, 2022, 1:16:17 AM

The game will include a cocktail system which allows you to change the difficulty and playstyle of the game. Perhaps there will be cocktails in the game which allow you to play the way you want. Would you prefer if you could build twice as many turrets but your heroes basically did no damage? Such an idea might work.

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