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Playable Species

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2 years ago
Jan 6, 2023, 2:06:49 AM

Hello all! Is there a confirmed list of all the species we'll see as playable characters? If not, which ones would you like to see in game? Personally I'd love to see a Pulsos or Deuyivan! I think the design on both of them are so unique and I'd love to get more of their personalities in game.

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a year ago
Jan 10, 2023, 10:05:40 AM
GroupOfTrees wrote:

Hello all! Is there a confirmed list of all the species we'll see as playable characters? If not, which ones would you like to see in game? Personally I'd love to see a Pulsos or Deuyivan! I think the design on both of them are so unique and I'd love to get more of their personalities in game.

We don't have the list but you will recognize some of the factions, as an example Blaze > Craver

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a year ago
Jan 23, 2023, 12:40:31 PM

i would like to see something from the Endless Legends races, would be super cool to play as a Morgawr or as a Forgotten

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a year ago
Jan 23, 2023, 2:02:34 PM
Aligern wrote:

i would like to see something from the Endless Legends races, would be super cool to play as a Morgawr or as a Forgotten

On the saloon you have a Drakken :)

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a year ago
Feb 2, 2023, 5:20:42 PM

It's very easy to tell that there will be an archivist coming up following years as all Endless games has an archivist in them.

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a year ago
Feb 2, 2023, 5:37:52 PM
Aligern wrote:

i would like to see something from the Endless Legends races, would be super cool to play as a Morgawr or as a Forgotten

By the way, it makes total sense to have Fomorians on station, since they are servant race to Endless and were already shown to be present outside of Auriga.

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