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Comrade's Dialogue concerns.

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2 years ago
Jan 25, 2023, 4:33:45 PM

Some of us have concerns over Comrade's Dialogue, The character preaches an ideology/belief that is dangerously close to a real world Ideology. This is especially concerning since in the past, Amplitude had stated that earth doesnt exist, so the Endless universe should not be influenced by real world ideologies so heavily. What was the Intention of Comrades Personality, is it meant to be satire, a stereotype joke?

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2 years ago
Jan 25, 2023, 4:41:57 PM

For me, it's far too serious in tone and comes across as preachy due to the way that it directly references communist doctrine and literature.  If you're wanting to go the parody route then it should be a far, far more exaggerated caricature than what's in the game now.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 29, 2023, 3:20:10 AM

i agree, if it is a parody, at least have some "millions of you will starve, that that is a sacrifice im willing to make" or something 

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2 years ago
Jan 31, 2023, 5:44:06 PM

I feel like Comrade (and the Devs) need some defense here - this is a work of fiction, and an action game at that. Nobody is that influenced in real life by games and barely voiced one-liners. The only ones being "insulted" and "having concerns" are people that want to find insults and concerns. Otherwise you should be opposed to any sort of game that lets you play the bad character, or do any bad deed whatsoever - after all it is dangerously close to real world actions/ideologies to shoot people and enjoy it. 

I very much enjoy the voice acting and the voice lines of Comrade, in the sense that I find them hilarious. I very much enjoy calling his turrets "our" turrets and arguing to not build any food modules with co-op buddies. We all have fun with it.
I assume the argument "it might influence young minds" will come up, so let me address that as well - nobody is taking the one-liner voice lines in an arcade action game seriously, if they are not already familiar with what it's referencing. The only people noticing this are people familiar with the communist doctrine, that have already formed an opinion about it. 

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2 years ago
Feb 1, 2023, 1:29:55 PM

i will add another defense here, if we have comrade with this character traits, we will also go throught an area where working too hard is shown as something perfect. so it's balanced for me

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2 years ago
Feb 2, 2023, 5:18:08 PM

I mean, if you have a Remnant waking up and realising Endless were exploiting his race, but now they are gone, there must be better ways to convey character's views to player, then making him Marxist-Leninist out of nowhere.

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2 years ago
Feb 2, 2023, 10:45:41 PM
Existence wrote:

I feel like Comrade (and the Devs) need some defense here - this is a work of fiction, and an action game at that. Nobody is that influenced in real life by games and barely voiced one-liners. The only ones being "insulted" and "having concerns" are people that want to find insults and concerns. Otherwise you should be opposed to any sort of game that lets you play the bad character, or do any bad deed whatsoever - after all it is dangerously close to real world actions/ideologies to shoot people and enjoy it. 

I very much enjoy the voice acting and the voice lines of Comrade, in the sense that I find them hilarious. I very much enjoy calling his turrets "our" turrets and arguing to not build any food modules with co-op buddies. We all have fun with it.
I assume the argument "it might influence young minds" will come up, so let me address that as well - nobody is taking the one-liner voice lines in an arcade action game seriously, if they are not already familiar with what it's referencing. The only people noticing this are people familiar with the communist doctrine, that have already formed an opinion about it. 

For me, it's not as much about indoctrination.  (Though I do I think it's important for everyone to have a clinical understanding of the ideologies behind various forms of government and their historical benefits and drawbacks, but Endless Dungeon isn't an edutainment game and thus isn't a good source for that sort of education.)  I really don't care which ideology we're talking about, but I would rather Amplitude just give me something that I can't already get from a serious source like a textbook or a talking head in the 24-hour news cycle.  So I'm looking for something more in line with the way that political satire was handled in games like Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, Fallout, etc.

Updated 2 years ago.
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a year ago
Aug 5, 2023, 2:18:33 AM
Existence wrote:

I feel like Comrade (and the Devs) need some defense here - this is a work of fiction, and an action game at that. Nobody is that influenced in real life by games and barely voiced one-liners. The only ones being "insulted" and "having concerns" are people that want to find insults and concerns. Otherwise you should be opposed to any sort of game that lets you play the bad character, or do any bad deed whatsoever - after all it is dangerously close to real world actions/ideologies to shoot people and enjoy it. 

I very much enjoy the voice acting and the voice lines of Comrade, in the sense that I find them hilarious. I very much enjoy calling his turrets "our" turrets and arguing to not build any food modules with co-op buddies. We all have fun with it.
I assume the argument "it might influence young minds" will come up, so let me address that as well - nobody is taking the one-liner voice lines in an arcade action game seriously, if they are not already familiar with what it's referencing. The only people noticing this are people familiar with the communist doctrine, that have already formed an opinion about it. 

Couldn't Have Expressed Better Myself ?

ppl who Start the Game probably want to just have Fun and Enjoy the Game (In my Opinion). I'll think if this Was A Concern, Games like 'GTA' wouldn't be Coming out Probably as much as I'll know, if Kids Pickup Something In-game it's Usually "Rage" and Some Shiny Skins, which are Locked Sometimes Behind Micro-Transactions in some games. Small Stuff Like this Shouldn't Really Impact the Young Audience, they Usually don't really Pay Big attention to stuff like this (Including Me). what's Probably gonna be on ppl's Mind when playing the game is "Loot'n Gun" and maybe Some RGB)) the Voice Lines of 'Comrade' are probably going the be Less of a Concern at the time of the playing the game

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Aug 5, 2023, 3:57:06 AM
Rexsnake wrote:

what's Probably gonna be on ppl's Mind when playing the game is "Loot'n Gun" and maybe Some RGB)) the Voice Lines of 'Comrade' are probably going the be Less of a Concern at the time of the playing the game

Maybe that's the case, but maybe not. The younger audience that you mention who are not as familiar with politics will be more likely to internalize and normalize the propaganda slogans.  On the other hand, those who are more familiar with political concepts will just be annoyed by it because it's not at all humorous and could come across as preachy.  Either way it's a weird direction for the devs to go with the character.  In fairness to the devs though, in the last build that I played they had overhauled Comrade's voiceovers and toned down the direct propaganda a bit.  (Although they still had one Marx slogan in there, IIRC.)  So it was being improved and refined the last time I checked.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Aug 14, 2023, 6:42:04 PM

I don't find references to Communism funny at all.

I'd like the character totally removed, or the ability to turn his voice lines off.

That crap gives me PTSD.

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a year ago
Aug 24, 2023, 6:01:03 AM

I don't see how anyone thought that bringing an extremist (and extremely deadly) ideology in this game, for no real reason at all, would be a good idea. This character should be removed or at the very least reworked. I very much doubt the devs would be as comfortable adding a character with fascist voice lines. 

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a year ago
Aug 27, 2023, 2:06:10 PM

Yeah, this character and a few others are bizarrely one Note and very in your face with what they are to the point that it does become a bit grating. Zed and Comrade being the worst offenders. Which feels especially Strange given how good the writing is in other departments.

Updated a year ago.
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