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Buddy Pass

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10 months ago
Aug 21, 2023, 7:16:31 PM

A question related to the buddy pass, as i read it you get +2 passes if you get the preorder of the Last Wish Edition, but are this buddy passes for the whole game or only for the Beta Access?, thank you for your time.

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10 months ago
Aug 21, 2023, 7:35:04 PM

Just the beta, the graphic in the forum posts states this.

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10 months ago
Aug 21, 2023, 8:07:40 PM

I've read the graphic in the forum post, but only states that they will be given ACCESS to a MULTIPLAYER ONLY version of the game, so they can play with you or other users, it does not state anything related to when the buddy pass ends, or if it's only for the beta access, that is why i want to be sure of what the buddy pass is before purchasing this edition, thank you for your answer tho.

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10 months ago
Aug 23, 2023, 8:03:13 PM

Hey after two days i finally found information relating to this, nowhere in the News page on Steam it says it's only for the beta duration, or in this forums, BUT it does say it in their discord, pretty cool i guess.

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