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I got the wrong version of the game?

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10 months ago
Sep 7, 2023, 5:32:05 PM

I redeemed the game and it isnt showing any of the dlc and I also didnt get any keys to send to friends.
I can load up the game but I cant play since it requires a second player. Any help?

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10 months ago
Sep 7, 2023, 7:52:10 PM

I believe the friend codes will be sent to people soon, probably before friday. And this closed beta is multiplayer/co-op only.

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10 months ago
Sep 12, 2023, 2:21:10 PM
SageTooth wrote:

I redeemed the game and it isnt showing any of the dlc and I also didnt get any keys to send to friends.
I can load up the game but I cant play since it requires a second player. Any help?

is it solved?

Because as you say redeem I guess you got the multiplayer only access (from a Buddy Pass or the Twitch Drops), and therefore you can only play online/co-op

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