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Red Dead Eye Bugged?

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9 months ago
Oct 18, 2023, 9:10:27 PM

I've cleared all four slots and cleared the final wave, but the game still thinks that the boss is alive and there are no corrupted slots remaining on the map.

And reloading quitting the run (not abandoning) just put me back at the start before finishing the boss, so I'm just abandoning it, I guess.

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9 months ago
Oct 19, 2023, 2:05:43 PM

I upvoted the two bug reports that were already there for this. I was on Steam on Hard difficulty solo. Community -> Security Vault, if that matters. Didn't keep track of what upgrades I had on my bot, unfortunately.

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9 months ago
Oct 19, 2023, 2:21:58 PM
Zevkk wrote:

I upvoted the two bug reports that were already there for this. I was on Steam on Hard difficulty solo. Community -> Security Vault, if that matters. Didn't keep track of what upgrades I had on my bot, unfortunately.

Thanks for replying. I'm sure the additional info will be useful for the production team. :)

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9 months ago
Oct 20, 2023, 1:29:22 PM

Ran through again with a different party (Sweeper + Cartie) and different path (Astral -> Vault) and only one bot upgrade (-DEF/-SPD for enemies in the same room). Boss still bugged out in the same way.

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9 months ago
Oct 20, 2023, 8:37:10 PM

Yep happened to us today too - Filed a proper Bug Report!

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9 months ago
Oct 21, 2023, 1:23:11 PM

Same here, did two separate run with different paths on hard solo and both time the boss fight ended (no monsters around) but health bars are still there as if boss fight was still going

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8 months ago
Oct 22, 2023, 1:36:10 PM

I'm having the same issue on steam, while playing on hard solo, with Shroom, Zed and Fassie. Bot buffs I have are all the resource boosts, and crystalline focus. Chips are overclock, nanocrystalline, rolling stone.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Oct 22, 2023, 10:30:38 PM

Happened to me and a friend twice today. Hard coop, astral harbor -> vault. Both times there seemed to be desync between the party members on what slot had glyphs. We showed up with over 150 industry both times. But after slotting the middle spot the second time the fight just didnt end. We were playing comrade and cartie.

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8 months ago
Oct 23, 2023, 4:38:10 AM

I am having the same bug... It happens to me Solo or in Coop. I am unable to beat Red Dead Eye on steam without getting soft-locked. It's very frustrating, I have recommended this game to a few people and it's embarrassing there is such a game breaking bug.  

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8 months ago
Nov 10, 2023, 1:45:19 AM

Nope it's still bugged. PS5 hard mode playing as zhed fassie and Cartie. Get to the end and comlete all 4 health bars and the main door doesn't unlock the game still think there is a boss battle. No enemies in sight it's frustrating. All rooms unlocked, nothing .. first time I played on normal mode once you've beaten the last security slot the door opens and you move on. But now it's stuck and that stupid voice of the security slot girl keeps talking in the background asking me, "did you find a slot??" No trick I didn't! I'm trying to move on because I just killed you!!!!!

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8 months ago
Nov 15, 2023, 11:08:53 AM
Jacksonshonn wrote:

Nope it's still bugged. PS5 hard mode playing as zhed fassie and Cartie. Get to the end and comlete all 4 health bars and the main door doesn't unlock the game still think there is a boss battle. No enemies in sight it's frustrating. All rooms unlocked, nothing .. first time I played on normal mode once you've beaten the last security slot the door opens and you move on. But now it's stuck and that stupid voice of the security slot girl keeps talking in the background asking me, "did you find a slot??" No trick I didn't! I'm trying to move on because I just killed you!!!!!

We are working on the fix for consoles

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