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Hero Unlocks Compendium

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9 months ago
Oct 18, 2023, 9:31:06 PM

Hey everyone!

I wanted to make this quick post where I'd like to gather all the information about unlocking the characters in Endless Dungeon and keep this post updated about it!
If anyone knows the precise criteria for unlocking a character - please post it below to contribute to the effort <3


As far as I know every single character is unlocked by Reaching either unlocking or completing a District!

Shroom - Unlock Devotion Garden District by picking up District Key in Astral Harbor
Blaze - Enter the Procedural District after unlocking it!
Cartie - Complete Astral Harbor District!

Comrade - Enter the Transcendence Center District after unlocking it! 

Fassie - Enter the Headquarters District after unlocking it!

If you've found issues with any of them or have more precise description also please don't hesitate to tell!

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Oct 19, 2023, 4:41:30 AM

This information is already in-game, in the Archive. If you hover over or click the locks, it will say what district needs to be entered to unlock each character, just not the names of the characters themselves.

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