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Interface Keybinds are Unchangeable

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9 months ago
Oct 19, 2023, 3:09:03 PM

Interface keybinds seem to be not rebindable, which is problematic when you use atypical keyboard layouts. It's good that the regular action keybinds can be changed, but it would be nice if the interact ones were rebindable as well.

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9 months ago
Oct 19, 2023, 3:44:56 PM
Aurantiacis wrote:

Interface keybinds seem to be not rebindable, which is problematic when you use atypical keyboard layouts. It's good that the regular action keybinds can be changed, but it would be nice if the interact ones were rebindable as well.

Thank you for the feedback. We've already added this to our list of community feedback, so the production team can take your suggestion into account.

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