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Steam Soundtrack doesn't include advertised FLAC files

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9 months ago
Oct 19, 2023, 11:15:08 PM

Per title. Got Last Wish months ago and went back to the soundtrack page today to see mention, as well as a specific space requirement, of a FLAC version included, but the download only drops the compressed MP3s. Can we please get this corrected and have those FLACs made available?

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7 months ago
Nov 25, 2023, 1:06:19 PM

They never even fixed their Endless Space 2 OST. Pathetic.

Luckily, 3 years ago I asked G4F about it, and they were super kind enough and gifted me with bandcamp copies of those albums.

Like, if it wasn't a way to thank Arnaud for his amazing work, I'd refund this crap Amplitude pulls long ago.

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7 months ago
Nov 25, 2023, 8:23:02 PM
Sublustris wrote:

They never even fixed their Endless Space 2 OST. Pathetic.

Luckily, 3 years ago I asked G4F about it, and they were super kind enough and gifted me with bandcamp copies of those albums.

Like, if it wasn't a way to thank Arnaud for his amazing work, I'd refund this crap Amplitude pulls long ago.

According to Cat, Last Wish buyers aren't supposed to get the full soundtrack as the store page only says MP3. This is outrageous. The store page was changed only one day before release to state MP3, while all of the months prior it just said Soundtrack. This can all be confirmed via Wayback, as the store page has been archived almost every month since 2020 and multiple times a month between January and October 2023.

If this is how post-Sega Amplitude treats its customers, with last minute bait-and-switch, I'm done. The only Amplitude game I haven't supported is Humankind, but this kind of practice is absolutely unacceptable.

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Nov 25, 2023, 11:10:14 PM

Hold up. Soundtrack is part of Last Wish, but only mp3, and I can't buy it now to get FLAC too? What bullshit is this?

Updated 7 months ago.
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