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Thoughts on the game so far?

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a year ago
Oct 20, 2023, 6:43:32 AM

What do you guys think about it? Me personally I'm having a blast, loving the style, guns and characters, hasn't felt repetitive even after hours. Though it feels far fairer in co-op which I guess is to be expected. 

All in all cool game, me like.

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a year ago
Oct 21, 2023, 4:50:31 AM

Unfortunately me and a few others are experiencing game breaking crashes and graphics issues on the PC end :C had to request a refund as its currently unplayable for now

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a year ago
Oct 21, 2023, 7:25:47 PM

Apart from the bugged boss, I think the game has a bit of an identity crisis where it feels like it's trying to mash too many genres together and not doing many of them particularly well.

The meta-progression seems largely superficial and doesn't seem to be particularly impactful in terms of customizing the characters, turrets, and weapons to be considerably different from anyone else's. The hero controls feel a bit off and the AI doesn't really do a great job at holding its own and the turret defense piece almost feels like a bit of an afterthought at this point, as they can't even hold off waves on hard without being babysit, which can be difficult to do depending on layout, especially solo.

The music, artwork, and map design are on point and I can't really argue with the menu design, but those are also all things that I typically expect to be in good shape from this studio.

Having upgrade trees for the heroes, weapons, and turrets would go a long way to improving the meta-progression (and even potentially replayability if the trees are exclusive to some degree and multiple saves are allowed). Turrets should be more impactful from a strategic perspective for locking down areas even early on. AI needs some work regarding ultimate usage and smarter position holding. Some of the guns could use a second pass because I feel like a lot of them are either too slow for the pace of the game or too niche to use properly (especially since the AI doesn't properly make use of close-range weapons when they're on 'follow').

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a year ago
Oct 22, 2023, 3:37:11 AM

Yeah when I played with a full group I fortunately had a some what bug free experience besides the final boss having his health bar visually bugged for everyone but host. Looked like we were doing no damage. But did some runs by myself and the AI tried but never uses ability’s unless I’m blind. Im always gonna want more variety like why not bring back the toxic gas on harder difficulty’s slowing only hero’s and Enemies, just not the crystal it’s kinda already slow and this game takes enough hours already XD Traps would be awesome once the team improves performance perhaps like a ray shield or shock trap. Or like a random chance of a boss spawning like a bounty hunter squad idk just thinking here maybe a squad went rogue.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 22, 2023, 8:50:04 AM

I've been loving it. I already clocked 31 hours, and have enjoyed most of it. The music and aesthetic are incredibly unique, and I love it. I'm actually quite glad it's not too similar to DotE, though. DotE is already a damn good game that you can find other players on to this day, and we wouldn't be gaining anything by randomly making it a 3D ARPG. The main design decision I dislike is having danger increase over time, instead of just after opening doors- but after playing, I'm not sure if I'd remove it, either. It's gotten me to plan my approaches more.

I think my main concern is how the cube economy would work as more heroes and weapons get added- and if/when we'll get different weapon types. But until then, I'm pretty happy striving for that 60 minute achievement. The plan to use scrap to increase the likelihood of finding certain guns in your next run scratches a gambling itch in me, too.

The bot AI does suck when it's following. They do use more abilities when they're in the "stay here" state, though. This is very noticeable with Carrie. I have also seen an AI Zed and Buster use their abilities while in "stay here." More AI options would help a ton.

I love the idea of trap rooms! I think a decent portion of the community would also like a dust-focused mode so they can live out their power fantasy ;D

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a year ago
Oct 25, 2023, 8:57:00 PM

I was really looking forward to Endless Dungeon but the sheer amount of game/progression stopping bugs killed the fun for me. Crystal Bot is getting stuck, Red Dead Eye boss fight couldn't be finished, AI Heros get stuck in walls, game is crashing upon loading - and all of this after postponing the release for half a year! 

I love Amplitude since Endless Legend but since Humankind and ED they have lost their step completely in my eye. I expect more of them.

Future Amplitude games are no guaranteed great games for me anymore.

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a year ago
Oct 26, 2023, 11:49:20 AM
Zevkk wrote:

I think the game has a bit of an identity crisis where it feels like it's trying to mash too many genres together and not doing many of them particularly well.

This was my very first piece of feedback during the very first OpenDev.  I'm also seeing it mentioned a lot in the negative reviews on Steam.  I find this unfortunate because there were definitely ways to balance the different genres.  The developer mandate of Endless Dungeon seems to be "more action at all costs" but in order to make that happen you have to sacrifice some of the strategic elements.  In particular, I thought that the spawners combined with the timed waves actually hurt the action because: an action game usually places enemies in front of the player's exploration path but the spawners in Endless Dungeon keep pulling the player back to rooms that were already cleared, the semi-random triggering of the timed waves constantly breaks the action by pulling the player out of the gameplay loop, and the general interaction with tactical elements slows everything down.

I think that reducing the focus on the crystal defense (though it could still be in there somewhat) and shifting more to a twin-stick dungeon crawler format would have been a better design to follow.  If they didn't want to make a completely action-oriented "run and gun your way to the exit" game then they could have done more of a "search for the objectives that open the exit" format like NeuroVoider, Alien Syndrome, or Dungeon Souls, but they could have still left the crystal defense in there as a negative feedback mechanic if the player allowed enemies to escape a room.

Other than that core game design complaint, I'm seeing some reviews that are confused by the game's name because "Endless Dungeon" implies that there should have been far more than 4 floors and/or that it's a sequel that should play similarly to DotE.  Maybe calling it "Station of the Endless" would have helped prevent some of this confusion?  I'm also disappointed to see so many complaints about bugs even after the game was delayed.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 26, 2023, 11:32:27 PM

No drop in drop out coop is the worst thing about this game. You cant just start a run and wait for players to join. You have to have them join before you start. That kinda sucks.

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a year ago
Oct 27, 2023, 12:38:30 AM

I have to say I'm having a great time with the game! I'm an Amplitude fan but never played the original, so I should say my perspective is as an open-minded newbie to the franchise. Considering I know amplitude for their 4X games, I'm very impressed with how tight this game feels in all its genre-bendiness. Visuals are great, the characters are fun, but the music is the biggest surprise for me. I love when a track starts playing partway through exploring a floor, and sometimes I plug in my headphones when I'm back at the station and they have the full band out and I just listen to the track loop... I've read other players' critiques about a lack of upgrade / weapon variety, and haven't played enough to say that I feel that impact my experience negatively yet, but I see their point and would definitely look forward to additional content.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 27, 2023, 5:18:38 AM
SpikedWallMan wrote:

Other than that core game design complaint, I'm seeing some reviews that are confused by the game's name because "Endless Dungeon" implies that there should have been far more than 4 floors and/or that it's a sequel that should play similarly to DotE.  Maybe calling it "Station of the Endless" would have helped prevent some of this confusion?  I'm also disappointed to see so many complaints about bugs even after the game was delayed.

To be honest, it pretty much is the successor to DotE, from having a  character system similar to the previous game, to protecting a dust crystal, the wave mechanics, multiple floor based ganeplay, and the fact they tried to place a literal ad into DotE and not any of their other games pretty much proves this is at the very least a spiritual successor, so it being compared to DotE was inevitable.

Alot of reviews Im seeing on steam mention the fact that only the host in a co-op match gets rewards or do anything major like upgrades. I dont know if this was a bug or intentional or a oversight, but I am glad its being remedied quickly, because this could single handingly crush the game, I believe its safe to assume that Endless Dungeon is a co-op heavy game, so for the game to basically punish players for playing co-op is unacceptable in such circumstance.

Updated a year ago.
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