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Speed and Shove Damage seemingly randomly changing

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8 months ago
Oct 22, 2023, 3:04:11 PM

I’ve noticed several times now on different heroes (at least Bunker & Sweeper) that both Speed and Shove Damage will sometimes be about 20 % higher/lower, and I can’t find any pattern or reason for it (no devices, chips, upgrades, or steles are responsible for it). Is this a bug, or is it a game mechanic I don’t know of?

I think I’ve only ever encountered this when they were my second character, but I’m not entirely sure if that’s always the case.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Oct 24, 2023, 12:06:16 AM

I’ve added this as a comment to the bug report, but just in case I’ll put it here, too:

It seems like the stats shown for Speed and Shove Damage are swapped between heroes.

Right now in my current run I see:

Cartie – 6.3 Speed & 10 Shove Damage

Comrade – 7.6 Speed & 13 Shove Damage

Sweeper – 7.7 Speed & 13 Shove Damage (had these stats with Fassie in a different run)

In earlier runs I had:

Cartie – 7.6 Speed & 13 Shove Damage

Comrade – 6.3 Speed & 10 Shove Damage

Sweeper – 6.4 Speed & 10 Shove Damage

So the numbers get mixed up at some point between heroes. Unfortunately, I still haven’t found a pattern for it. The numbers will swap back and forth during a run.

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