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New hotfix 1.1.10094 made game crash after launch

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8 months ago
Oct 25, 2023, 4:25:36 PM

Unfortunately the game is no longer playable with NVIDIA GTX 970 after recent hotfix.

Loading saved position (moving to saloon) resulting in freeze, followed by crash.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 1:12:16 PM
Skodlund wrote:

Unfortunately the game is no longer playable with NVIDIA GTX 970 after recent hotfix.

Loading saved position (moving to saloon) resulting in freeze, followed by crash.

I saw you locked the thread. Is that because now is working? If not, did you create a bug report?

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8 months ago
Nov 7, 2023, 7:24:21 PM
Daarkarrow wrote:
Skodlund wrote:

Unfortunately the game is no longer playable with NVIDIA GTX 970 after recent hotfix.

Loading saved position (moving to saloon) resulting in freeze, followed by crash.

I saw you locked the thread. Is that because now is working? If not, did you create a bug report?

Ola Sergio! - Thanks for reply - Yes, now the game works like a charm again (knock, knock). Apparently you could prevent the crash by removing a dll-file (lib_burst_generated) from the plugins-folder. - A tip from another community-member!

Unfortunately by then, I allready had filed a bug report and uploaded a crash-dump-file, which Saikana responded.

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8 months ago
Nov 8, 2023, 12:33:03 PM

We still appreciate you taking the time to file a report, even if the workaround worked for you... After all, the workaround shouldn't be required in the first place, and more information will hopefully help us fix whatever is causing the problem.

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