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How do I restore my saved game?

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8 months ago
Oct 29, 2023, 10:44:39 PM

I have 14 hours clocked in with a ton of unlocks. I recently installed the game on my Steam Deck and attempted to load my progress onto the Deck. Instead of transferring my saved game data to the Deck, the Deck transferred a blank save state to my PC. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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8 months ago
Oct 29, 2023, 11:07:41 PM


I had to log in via PC, turn off Remote Storage, and my old saved loaded up. All my saves were stored in my Documents > Endless Dungeon folder fortunately, and I've since created another backup.

For those who play on PC and Deck (or at least another device), perform the following:

1. Log into your main device, enter a lobby and then immediately save and exit.

2. On your Steam Deck, verify the integrity of the game.

3. Load the game, go to settings, if you don't see Remote Save enabled, enable it, log out, repeat step one, and two, then your game should be loaded.

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