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Endless Dungeon: What went wrong?

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8 months ago
Jun 21, 2024, 6:11:42 PM

For me personally, the art style and change of "visual vibe" from Dote was a welcome change. But as of visual style, damn, this game is so so much more apealing for me, personally. Ambience is super high level here. All of this to say I don't think visual art style was ever the problem. I think items could have used more from Dote's thematic and humour, like the Aftershave and why it worked that way for being an aftershave and etc. But this is not a visual art style direction as I see it (or is it? i dont know) and in the end it was not why I kept playing Dote for so long.

I kept coming back to Dote mainly because of the gameplay. I really enjoyed the artstyle, sure, but I dont miss it personally. And I also enjoyed the turn (door) based auto targeting gameplay too, but I enjoy thw twin stick a lot more. What I REALLY miss here, not only comparing to Dote, is the decision making aspect. I feel there is so little meaningful decision making here, so little to pound, to risk, to adapt to and to sacrifice. Game feels really bland in this regard. And, again, I don't think this is an visual art style or more action-oriented gameplay problem.

I never got hooked on the 4X games, Dote really is how I got here. I don't have much knowledge around the Endless universe and this seems to be a big deal with people in the community as I read stuff from players, so I don't know how important it is for the fans of the universe to have a game in the franchise not being visually/vibe "matching" with the rest, but considering both Dote and TED deviates A LOT from the other games, I personally see this "missmatch" of vibe as a good thing, actually. It is for others publics, no? Is the lore from TED that important for the universe that the change of vibe feels too much out of place and kills it?

I don't think TED didn't work because it proposes to be something else, while also drinking from Dote, sure. I think it didn't work because it is lacking in very core aspects (as I see it at least) regardless of Dote or the endless universe. For me it is because it feels more like an early access game than because it feels different from Dote

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8 months ago
Jun 21, 2024, 7:20:48 PM

Roccoonox wrote:


I agree with this. The action being added was never my problem, it's that the action that was added is too basic. Beyond that, the Rock Paper Scissors strategy is not only too simple, but hilariously bland and basic... Had this game come out in the early 2000s it could've gotten away with that. The anger comes from the fact that they have proven their understanding and commitment to much deeper strategy and still opted for the most basic system imaginable.

The art direction/universe adjacency was more of the icing on top the turd cake.
In my review I essentially say that despite the (personally) unwelcome change in art direction, it is still masterfully executed.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 22, 2024, 7:28:14 AM

Roccoonox wrote:

I never got hooked on the 4X games, Dote really is how I got here. I don't have much knowledge around the Endless universe and this seems to be a big deal with people in the community as I read stuff from players, so I don't know how important it is for the fans of the universe to have a game in the franchise not being visually/vibe "matching" with the rest, but considering both Dote and TED deviates A LOT from the other games, I personally see this "missmatch" of vibe as a good thing, actually. It is for others publics, no? Is the lore from TED that important for the universe that the change of vibe feels too much out of place and kills it?

By the by, are you a fan of any universe? Like...a "fan". Like you REALLY like the universe and its setting and deep lore... Do you dig Star Wars because it is(was) a gritty sci-fantasy with lightsabers and cool sound effects? What if they made the next Star Wars movie into a fairy-tale high fantasy set planet-side with no lightsabers and a Disney channel storyline? Would you go see it? Would you be upset and/or feel swindled?

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 22, 2024, 8:11:03 PM

ThePilot wrote:

Roccoonox wrote:

I never got hooked on the 4X games, Dote really is how I got here. I don't have much knowledge around the Endless universe and this seems to be a big deal with people in the community as I read stuff from players, so I don't know how important it is for the fans of the universe to have a game in the franchise not being visually/vibe "matching" with the rest, but considering both Dote and TED deviates A LOT from the other games, I personally see this "missmatch" of vibe as a good thing, actually. It is for others publics, no? Is the lore from TED that important for the universe that the change of vibe feels too much out of place and kills it?

By the by, are you a fan of any universe? Like...a "fan". Like you REALLY like the universe and its setting and deep lore... Do you dig Star Wars because it is(was) a gritty sci-fantasy with lightsabers and cool sound effects? What if they made the next Star Wars movie into a fairy-tale high fantasy set planet-side with no lightsabers and a Disney channel storyline? Would you go see it? Would you be upset and/or feel swindled?

Oh, I get your point. I don't think Im a big fan of any universe, but I would get totally mad if someone decided to just edit Saramago's writing style just so it gets easier to digest to newer readers. I think I get the feeling kkkk.

About Dote and TED, do you think Dote was a much better portrait of the universe than TED? If so, would mind explaining me like in which points it did it better?

I ask this because for me, when I played Endless Legend and Space 1, they both seemed so distant from Dote thematically. Dote was far more "grim humourous", while Legend and Space 1 were more "serious". TED really is way more light and happier, but I think it was more "informative" about the universe than Dote. I remember Dote being set in Auriga and thats it for me, I don't remember much more how it linked "informatively" with the universe. So maybe it linked well not "informatively" but with the general vibe and/or races of players and monsters depicted? Again, I'm not very versed with Legends and Space, so I might have missed a ton of the universe in Dote.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 22, 2024, 11:14:48 PM

Roccoonox wrote:

ThePilot wrote:

Roccoonox wrote:




DotE had its issues for me, too, but were easily overlooked for various reasons. In terms of art style it IS a different style than Space and Legends, but the soul is still there. Its grimdark sci-fi, and it's done well. I didn't really think the humor was good, to be honest, but it was...charming. 

For ED, as another steam review puts it: "- The more Marvel-style and Gen-Z dialogue is not for everyone, given the franchise I can understand that it puts soms people off." - Capt. Autismo

To paint the picture better, the lore in Endless Dungeon seems to actively seek to develop its own home in the universe, whilst not "fitting in" with the established universe very well. Which would honestly be okay in my book, if the actual game was enjoyable for me. At the end of the day, I will concede (and already conceded) that the art, setting, sounds, optimization, and even the dialogue and lore are all hallmarks of a very creative studio. But why did they sacrifice their tenant to "Innovate". Bottom line, a large chunk of the current fan-base is there for the innovation.

I am too jaded with Action/Strategy games. Being simple/braindead ain't gonna cut it for me. Which is why I actively played/followed this game to begin with. DotE is a unique and innovative game with heavy strategy. When I am told that they will make another game heavily inspired by their experience making DotE, to "further the genre", then of course I think this will be the next greatest thing in the genre they themselves made. Only to see it come out with barely any of the signatures of their previous game that "heavily inspired" it. Essentially, it is extremely derivative whilst not being particularly innovative.

So, to the layman with little experience in the industry, this game is fine. Very....accessible. 
But, to the experienced strategy-player, the exact kind of person who would seek out a game like DotE and then further be interested in its supposed successor, this has been a tragedy in the Nth degree.

Here is an interesting metric to look at, by the way: ENDLESS™ Dungeon - Steam Charts

[[AD. As I re-read this discussion, I am stricken with the thought that possibly Amplitudes demographic may be in two major camps. Which could be where the disconnect is for me, and others. They appealed to one camp far more than the other. But inadvertently(possibly?) marketed to both.]]

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 2:58:32 AM

[[AD. As I re-read this discussion, I am stricken with the thought that possibly Amplitudes demographic may be in two major camps. Which could be where the disconnect is for me, and others. They appealed to one camp far more than the other. But inadvertently(possibly?) marketed to both.]]

yeah, I was considering the same, but, is it really a second camp? Considering their previous games I thought TED was supposed to try appealing to people from outside their fan base that seems to be more interested in the 4X

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8 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:41:47 PM

Roccoonox wrote:

[[AD. As I re-read this discussion, I am stricken with the thought that possibly Amplitudes demographic may be in two major camps. Which could be where the disconnect is for me, and others. They appealed to one camp far more than the other. But inadvertently(possibly?) marketed to both.]]

yeah, I was considering the same, but, is it really a second camp? Considering their previous games I thought TED was supposed to try appealing to people from outside their fan base that seems to be more interested in the 4X

I believe that Camp 1 is more interested in the innovation from Amplitude's previous titles whilst also enjoying the optimization and simple-yet-complex gameplay. Camp 2 loves the art(visuals, soundtracks, stories, lore etc..) and the fact that it's a game they can understand due to the simplicity and accessibility. And you may be right, they are reaching for a new demographic with this game. Make it more 'action-based' and 'modern' to appeal to young-uns.

Humankind was an attempt to reel in 4x players. It was heavily-hyped as a possible Civilization(the game series)-killer. But...yea. Denuvo. And it was far too basic. It also just kinda sucked. Horrible release, buggy as hell for far too long, Denuvo was attached to it for far too long. And it caused an uproar in the community and a review bomb back at that launch as well. You'd think they'd learn. Or maybe SEGA is forcing them. Who knows...they won't(can't?) say.
However, even that failure-to-launch game is doing 100x better than ED is: HUMANKIND™ - Steam Charts 
But look...HUMANKIND's competition: Sid Meier's Civilization VI - Steam Charts

ED can't even compete with it's predecessor: Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ - Steam Charts

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 25, 2024, 3:32:29 AM

ThePilot wrote:

Humankind was an attempt to reel in 4x players. It was heavily-hyped as a possible Civilization(the game series)-killer. But...yea. Denuvo. And it was far too basic. It also just kinda sucked. Horrible release, buggy as hell for far too long, Denuvo was attached to it for far too long.

Denuvo was removed from Humankind before release.

ThePilot wrote:

You'd think they'd learn. Or maybe SEGA is forcing them. Who knows...they won't(can't?) say.

I don't have any sort of insider information to back up this claim, but I speculate that interference from Sega is driving many of these decisions.  Sega is one of the power-users of Denuvo so Amplitude's games going from zero DRM straight to Denuvo feels like a Sega decision.  (Sega even put Denuvo in Sonic Origins - yes, they DRM'd 30-year-old retro games.)  Also, I can't help but draw stylistic and thematic comparisons between TED and Creative Assembly's cancelled Hyenas game, and it feels like Sega is pressuring their studios to develop live-service shooters that can compete with games like Apex Legends, Overwatch, Fortnite, etc. even if the studios haven't made those types of games in the past.  Even the live-service events and streamer drops that were put into Humankind felt like a very bad fit for Amplitude's audience which makes me think that they were a "How do you do, fellow kids?" idea that was handed down from Sega just to check some boxes that someone in Marketing came up with.

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8 months ago
Jun 25, 2024, 3:52:48 AM

SpikedWallMan wrote:

ThePilot wrote:

Humankind was an attempt to reel in 4x players. It was heavily-hyped as a possible Civilization(the game series)-killer. But...yea. Denuvo. And it was far too basic. It also just kinda sucked. Horrible release, buggy as hell for far too long, Denuvo was attached to it for far too long.

Denuvo was removed from Humankind before release.

ThePilot wrote:

You'd think they'd learn. Or maybe SEGA is forcing them. Who knows...they won't(can't?) say.

I don't have any sort of insider information to back up this claim, but I speculate that interference from Sega is driving many of these decisions.  Sega is one of the power-users of Denuvo so Amplitude's games going from zero DRM straight to Denuvo feels like a Sega decision.  (Sega even put Denuvo in Sonic Origins - yes, they DRM'd 30-year-old retro games.)  Also, I can't help but draw stylistic and thematic comparisons between TED and Creative Assembly's cancelled Hyenas game, and it feels like Sega is pressuring their studios to develop live-service shooters that can compete with games like Apex Legends, Overwatch, Fortnite, etc. even if the studios haven't made those types of games in the past.  Even the live-service events and streamer drops that were put into Humankind felt like a very bad fit for Amplitude's audience which makes me think that they were a "How do you do, fellow kids?" idea that was handed down from Sega just to check some boxes that someone in Marketing came up with.

Hmmm got my information wrong on Humankind...I could've sworn there was a massive cry about Denuvo.
EDIT: Yea, it was in the early access, right? And there was an outcry to remove it, which they did before the release. My point is still valid.

And I remember release, it was buggy as hell. 

So, you're essentially confirming that they have sold out. I know it's never "that easy", but the fact remains, they are unable to hold to their own tenants as long as SEGA is footing the bill...Sad

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 25, 2024, 11:35:06 AM

ThePilot wrote:

SpikedWallMan wrote:

Denuvo was removed from Humankind before release.

Hmmm got my information wrong on Humankind...I could've sworn there was a massive cry about Denuvo.
EDIT: Yea, it was in the early access, right? And there was an outcry to remove it, which they did before the release. My point is still valid.

A few of the OpenDev playtests had it, but I was mostly addressing your point that it was in the game "far far too long" because it wasn't in the final release and was only in a few playtests.

ThePilot wrote:

SpikedWallMan wrote:

I don't have any sort of insider information to back up this claim, but I speculate that interference from Sega is driving many of these decisions.  Sega is one of the power-users of Denuvo so Amplitude's games going from zero DRM straight to Denuvo feels like a Sega decision.  (Sega even put Denuvo in Sonic Origins - yes, they DRM'd 30-year-old retro games.)  Also, I can't help but draw stylistic and thematic comparisons between TED and Creative Assembly's cancelled Hyenas game, and it feels like Sega is pressuring their studios to develop live-service shooters that can compete with games like Apex Legends, Overwatch, Fortnite, etc. even if the studios haven't made those types of games in the past.  Even the live-service events and streamer drops that were put into Humankind felt like a very bad fit for Amplitude's audience which makes me think that they were a "How do you do, fellow kids?" idea that was handed down from Sega just to check some boxes that someone in Marketing came up with.

So, you're essentially confirming that they have sold out. I know it's never "that easy", but the fact remains, they are unable to hold to their own tenants as long as SEGA is footing the bill...Sad

Emphasis mine.  I'm not "confirming" anything or am saying that Amplitude "sold out" in terms of their ideology.  I'm just saying that when a company gets purchased by a large corporation then there can be pressures that come from the top to do things that conflict with the company's actual vision/goals.  By looking at what's going on with specifically Amplitude and Creative Assembly, I am guessing that Sega is one of those corporations that likes to interfere instead of backing off and letting their subsidiaries do what they do best.  Again, it's just a guess based on observation, and I'm not accusing any company (Amplitude, Sega, or otherwise) of "selling out" their fans.  Companies do what they feel like they have to do - even if it's something I strongly disagree with or something that leads to lackluster results.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 25, 2024, 11:58:14 AM

SpikedWallMan wrote:
I am guessing that Sega is one of those corporations that likes to interfere instead of backing off and letting their subsidiaries do what they do best

After Hyenas fiasco I don't blame them. Studios' heads might not always pursue what their studios do best.

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8 months ago
Jun 27, 2024, 1:10:58 AM

Daarkarrow wrote:

MachineSpirit wrote:

Has this game been abandoned?

We are working on the next update that should release really 🔜™ 

@Daarkarrow I have updated the game on Epic but I still get an authentication error when I try to link my Epic account in the settings. This means I still dont have access to the "Last Wish Edition" skins I paid for at release. I don't want to submit yet another bug report about it here because obviously that isn't working, what else can I do other than complain to SEGA about this?

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8 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 3:26:19 PM

MachineSpirit wrote:

Daarkarrow wrote:

MachineSpirit wrote:

Has this game been abandoned?

We are working on the next update that should release really 🔜™ 

@Daarkarrow I have updated the game on Epic but I still get an authentication error when I try to link my Epic account in the settings. This means I still dont have access to the "Last Wish Edition" skins I paid for at release. I don't want to submit yet another bug report about it here because obviously that isn't working, what else can I do other than complain to SEGA about this?


Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 1:42:36 PM
hi @Daarkarrow
My old bug report is here, it has a screenshot attached. This is from an older version of the game but the bug is still happening in this latest version. I think this maybe causing another issue because I am not able to use the skins I've bought on the Epic Store (screenshot also attached to that old bug report), when I try to select them it says I need to buy them from Epic and if I select E to go to the Epic store, I think it takes me to the french epic game store not the UK store. Maybe this is due to the other issue about account linking?
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8 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 12:10:06 PM

MachineSpirit wrote:

Daarkarrow wrote:

MachineSpirit wrote:

Has this game been abandoned?

We are working on the next update that should release really 🔜™ 

@Daarkarrow I have updated the game on Epic but I still get an authentication error when I try to link my Epic account in the settings. This means I still dont have access to the "Last Wish Edition" skins I paid for at release. I don't want to submit yet another bug report about it here because obviously that isn't working, what else can I do other than complain to SEGA about this?

what kind of error are you getting? Would you mind sharing a screenshot?

Updated 8 months ago.
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3 months ago
Nov 23, 2024, 7:04:54 PM

I'm still getting the same issues I've had since release and reported 8 months ago. I don't have access to premium skins I paid for and the linking to an epic account always throws up an authentication error. Will this ever get fixed? It has been 8 months...

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3 months ago
Nov 25, 2024, 10:01:48 AM

MachineSpirit wrote:

I'm still getting the same issues I've had since release and reported 8 months ago. I don't have access to premium skins I paid for and the linking to an epic account always throws up an authentication error. Will this ever get fixed? It has been 8 months...

hey, it might be due to regional settings. Did you buy the game directly from the Epic Store?
Also, could you share some files with us? Try to replicate the problem and then click on Options > Settings > Click on Report Bug
That will create a .zip file with most necessary files, and you should have it in > C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Endless Dungeon\Temporary Files\BugReportArchives

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3 months ago
Nov 26, 2024, 9:58:43 PM

I bought it directly from the Epic Game Store (EGS).

I think it is a localisation issue because the ingame button to go to the EGS always takes me to the French EGS when use the UK EGS.

I have the bug report but the forum freezes when I try to upload it, I'll try again in a few days.

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2 months ago
Dec 28, 2024, 9:22:03 PM

New Player here, and I think the game may have been preselecting for an audience that wouldn't like it as much tbh. I'm loving the game so far, and find the core gameplay loop of thinking on my feet while managing Tower Defense elements to be scratching an itch that no other game has been.
As for the preselecting for an audience that wouldn't like it, this is very much more of an action game than a Strategy game, and being in a franchise DOMINATED by Strategy games, the people who would be aware of it though the series, would be more likely to just not be as interested in a more action focused game, this idea reinforced by how common it is that negative Steam reviews are noting the lessened strategy elements.
The game certainly isn't perfect, could use a lil love, but I do think it's a very good fun time.

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2 months ago
Dec 31, 2024, 12:57:16 PM

AmbrosiaEgg wrote:

New Player here, and I think the game may have been preselecting for an audience that wouldn't like it as much tbh. I'm loving the game so far, and find the core gameplay loop of thinking on my feet while managing Tower Defense elements to be scratching an itch that no other game has been.
As for the preselecting for an audience that wouldn't like it, this is very much more of an action game than a Strategy game, and being in a franchise DOMINATED by Strategy games, the people who would be aware of it though the series, would be more likely to just not be as interested in a more action focused game, this idea reinforced by how common it is that negative Steam reviews are noting the lessened strategy elements.
The game certainly isn't perfect, could use a lil love, but I do think it's a very good fun time.

Yeah, the game isn't "Bad" it is just lacking a bit in content for my taste.

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