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Having to destroy Objects in each room for Currency is unnecessary downtime

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 3:39:41 PM

I love that there are environment interactions in the form of breakable objects, especially since some can be blown-up for enemy interaction. I hate that they give resource though as that incentivizes mindlessly & repeatedly breaking all of them each time you open a room to maximize resource gain. There is no real choice to be made with this mechanic here, you either waste time doing a non-challenging task to have a better chance at winning or you don't.

It's especially annoying with some weapon types that have slow attack speed, it really ends up feeling like a chore. Added to the annoyance is that the resource items dropped have a range for pick-up which means you also can't just destroy them from too far but have to walk up to them leading to more wasted time and anxiety from missing out on resources.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 5:22:49 PM

Agreed on destroying objects for currency seems strange and repetitive. You always wonder if you miss one. If the extra resources are needed for balencing I would rather get them from killing monsters or choosing to beat a stronger monster (little boss for example) to get them or any other mechanism.

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 8:43:16 PM

I totally agree. It would be better to get them from more meaningful interactions (environment or lore related?). And not wasting the exploding barrels in the process...!

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 10:36:05 PM

I agree as well.  I would be happier without feeling like I needed to search each room for random things to break for a tiny bit of extra resources.

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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 9:18:10 AM

I agree that it could be a bit repetitive. Just have a random idea, what if there will be a possibility to spam as well bugs from them, so its like you can have positive and negative effects of doing it? or even triggering a wave? 

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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 12:12:41 PM

I think that would be worse, because then I would still want to break all the boxes up (it would be optimal in terms of resources), but then I would also have to spend time mopping up mobs in addition to the time spent breaking the boxes.

I second that breaking the boxes is a mindless chore; I would rather just find resources in the occasional chest (which is guaranteed to have something in it).

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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 12:24:38 PM
Daarkarrow wrote:

I agree that it could be a bit repetitive. Just have a random idea, what if there will be a possibility to spam as well bugs from them, so its like you can have positive and negative effects of doing it? or even triggering a wave? 

I think it is necessary, first of all, to separate explosive crates from common crates. I'd like to save explosive crates to use them for monsters fighting. But every time I have to destroy them to have common crates destroyed for another piece of resources.

The idea of negative crates is good, but what about having more chests that work as Pandora Boxes? E.g., every next room will have a chest with a random content: it could be resources, dust shards, medkits, SUPERwaves, waves, just a pack of bugs, e.t.c.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 1:02:43 PM
Daarkarrow wrote:

I agree that it could be a bit repetitive. Just have a random idea, what if there will be a possibility to spam as well bugs from them, so its like you can have positive and negative effects of doing it? or even triggering a wave? 

I don't know.  Since the waves are timed, you don't want anything wasting your time between waves.  So having bugs spawn from the barrels would just be an even bigger waste of time, and triggering a wave would be as well.  DotE just gave you a random FIDS bonus for some rooms which I think it an OK solution here as well.  If Endless Dungeon just going to be a mad dash from wave to wave, then I would strongly be in favor of just granting the entire bonus when you enter the room.  If you decides to replace the wave timer with something else though, then I would be OK with some of the barrels spawning an enemy.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 7:34:04 PM

I would rather see someone replace the boxes that have little bits of resources with enemies that drop bits of resources instead, and leave the explosive things in place.  I might even go as far to let the wave enemies randomly drop small bits of resources.

I think it would remove it feeling tedious plus then many rooms could have enemies in front of you to fight, and then you could have some rooms with enemies waiting in them but without a spawner, which could make a more variable challenge per room.

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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 8:00:58 PM
GeekLegion wrote:

I would rather see someone replace the boxes that have little bits of resources with enemies that drop bits of resources instead, and leave the explosive things in place.  I might even go as far to let the wave enemies randomly drop small bits of resources.

I think it would remove it feeling tedious plus then many rooms could have enemies in front of you to fight, and then you could have some rooms with enemies waiting in them but without a spawner, which could make a more variable challenge per room.

Btw, nice idea!

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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 8:22:44 PM

Thanks Stellarsson - I've been a bit harsh on the game so far so I'm hoping the dev don't think I hate them or what they are making.

Thinking about the game I just realized - as far as I can tell, the only thing you get rewarded for shooting in game are the inanimate containers right now, and your character is sort of a moving tower for whatever is weakest at the time.  Do you do well in a wave, you simply don't lose anything.  There's no possible reward for doing action well other than not losing resources or the game.  But lets say you squeak past the locked door and you end up in a area with only a few resources.  You could sort of 'recover'  by pushing into the first few rooms quickly to kill the monsters for that 2-3 extra resource to you need to get that thing you really need.

I have another crazy idea.  What if you changed the resource generation from being granted when you open the some small resource per sec to match timed waves.  Then if you don't open a door within a certain amount of time, you trigger something..... scary to come after you.  Maybe something that opens doors like what they had in DotE.

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2 years ago
Jul 6, 2022, 3:02:57 AM

The barrel mechanic is frustrating because it forces you to try and gently melee or shoot the barrels you want while trying to not tap the explosive canisters. And worst of all, many explosive canisters are found in corners of the room where enemies won't ever go. It's wasting time that can could be spent building structures, fighting enemies and exploring. I just wind up meleeing all the explosive canisters because I can't be bothered to avoid hitting them anymore. I do see what the developers were going for though--with how enemies currently spawn in seemingly randomly, it's supposed to be a 'hurry up--you've got limited time, so grab those resources and get prepping' mechanic. I get it, I really do. But with what I just pointed out above combined with melee's really weird phantom range (a whole different problem) it doesn't feel fun in its current state.

Updated 2 years ago.
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