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[0.9.4686] Locked in Artefact Screen

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2 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 9:18:13 PM

Description: After finishing a research from an artefact, I went to research another. The game locked me into that screen. I couldn't do anything except refresh what researches were available, which drained all of my science. The error "Cannot find mesh from its id 1896813951." is repeated in the log. That's the same error as from this crash.


NO SCIENCEedited.mp4

Steps to Reproduce: Unknown.

Expected Behavior: Able to select my next research, or back out of the menu.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 9:31:44 PM

I experienced the same issue. If it helps at all I had researched the Acid Spike and upon first opening the Artifact UI it showed Acid Spike for 20 science again.

When I switched over to another hero and back again, it got worse - the Artifact UI started self-replicating on top of itself, nuking my computer. I tried teleporting to the crystal, which worked in a sense but I think the game still considered me standing by the artifact because map icons were missing anywhere else and as soon as I got close to the artifact again my game slowed to a crawl and the UI could be seen at the edge of my screen. Ended up having to Alt + F4 to get out of it.


Bad Artifact - Diagnostics.zip

Bad Artifact - Player.log.zip (had to put this one on Dropbox, too large to attach even compressed)

Bad Artifact - Safe files.zip

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 8:16:46 AM

Thank you for reporting this issue. The team as been informed!

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 7:34:01 PM

I am like 89.4% sure that this is connected to the upgrade for Acid Stab. I have gotten this bug more than once, but only after researching Acid Stab and looking through new researches after.

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2 years ago
Jul 3, 2022, 1:07:51 PM

Also encountered the same bug also using Acid Stab, though it can still happen even if it doesn't appear as one of the upgrades.

Here's a video that also shows the UI infinite replication mentioned by Y0ghurt: https://youtu.be/E2Q2hpOlhrE?t=280

I also found that you can refresh the choices as a workaround.

Updated 2 years ago.
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