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Issues with comparison

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2022, 9:36:24 PM
  • Title: Can't compare new item to present 
  • Description: When an item is available, the difference in performance is not always marked in green/red
  • Attachments: 
  • Steps to Reproduce: Sporadic, often when you switch weapons to determine if it is better to exchange for one over another.
  • Expected Behavior: A view of each weapon should be available not just the one under consideration.

  • Title: Devices disappear
  • Description: If you swap an item too many times, it will disappear and you cannot swap to it.
  • Attachments: 
  • Steps to Reproduce: 1. Exchange your primary weapon for another multiple times. 
  • Expected Behavior: Weapons should be able to drop and be exchanged until you leave the floor. 
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