Player animation continues while dialogue boxes are in place during the tutorial; e.g. an NPC moving at a quick pace when the door opens will be seen running in place.

- This issue was encountered when opening a door as directed and after defeating the first monster.

- Animations seen repeating include walking and firing a weapon.

- Players can also "move" while in place during a tutorial dialogue.

- Players are also able to swap characters while a tutorial dialogue is open.

- This issue occurs with both M&KB as well as Controller controls.

Repro Steps:

    1. Install and launch ENDLESS™ Dungeon Playtest.

    2. Proceed to the tutorial and progress through directed steps until directed to open a door.

    3. Open a door to another room and do not clear the dialogue.

Actual Result:

Non-controlled characters preserve their animation while in place on opening the door. The controlled character can trigger movement animations in place as long as the dialogue boxes remain open.

Expected Result:

Animations for characters only play when expected.

Video Link