Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

input lockout and UI glitchery

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2 years ago
Jul 9, 2022, 3:56:26 PM

Description: Onscreen health and weapon info popups freeze to their location on the screen after some event. Input also restricted. cannot fire weapons, open doors, no turret building sub menu pops up and cannot select from it, unable to escape selection menus without swapping characters, unable to bash except for on the character the glitch initially occurred with. mini map frozen as well


Steps to reproduce: No clue

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2 years ago
Jul 9, 2022, 6:52:07 PM

Just had this happen again. more information. Map only updates when it's pulled up via the start menu or when interacting with a shop/turret menu.

This might occur out of some sort of interaction with a shopkeeper as this happened immediately after interacting with one. Did not purchase anything. Might've been a result of swapping characters while looking at a purchasable item?

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