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Playstation 5 - Release Notes

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a year ago
Oct 26, 2023, 1:15:22 PM

Hello everyone,

We've got the first bigger patch for PlayStation 5 for you today.

There are quite a few points on this changelog, so for the sake of brevity, some of the highlights:

  • Difficulty selection when launching a run
  • Balancing on bosses, heroes, and turrets
  • A bunch of bugfixes

If you want all the details, find the complete list below.

PS5 Patch October 26th (01.000.004)

  • Increased Movement speed on Heroes and monsters.
  • No Speed Up at Heroes Level Up. As we increased the movement of heroes in general, this wasn't necessary.
  • When having multiple spawn points, increased the delay of spawn among the different spawn points.
  • Balanced Boss fights.
  • Buffed most of the Turrets (Damage, Fire Rate, Health). As we increased the speed of monsters we give Turrets a bit more fire power. Also, we noticed turrets were dying too quickly.
  • Increased Damage Absorption of Heroes.
  • Decreased costs at Merchant: Weapons and Devices
  • Merchant cost types are static in function of District. Example: In Devotion Garden you will always require Food in order to buy things.
  • Modify starting weapons : Bunker starts with a Shotgun, Cartie and Comrade with a Gatling.
  • Tweaked Zed passive and Level Up.
  • Tweaked Heroes level up
  • Improved somes Steles.
  • Improved all Monsters behaviors.
  • Improved the steps of several Hero's quests.
  • Removed Razer special wave on first floor.
  • Fixed lock door issue in Core zone (exit door was accessible too early).
  • Added autofire system on charge weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where player progression unlocks could be not saved when leaving the Saloon to the main menu.
  • Fixed an issue where saves can become corrupted and player progression was lost in some specific cases.
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes could become stuck after being teleported through zone door.
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes could become stuck because wave did not properly stop when finishing a zone.
  • Fixed an issue where AI controlled Heroes began spinning around in one place aimlessly.
  • Fixed an issue where some monsters and bosses could become stuck on invisible obstacles.
  • Fixed an issue where an infinite loading screen upon loading into the Core district could occur when resuming a previously saved run.
  • Fixed an issue where auto save could be erased when launching tutorial for the second time.
  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur on specific PC configurations.
  • Fixed an issue where Comrade could repair Research Terminals.
  • Fixed an issue where Praetorian Bot mob's ranged attack had no animation.
  • Fixed an issue where Sweeper's passive VFX was displayed inconsistently across turrets.
  • Fixed an issue where an error could occur when double tapping on a Research Terminal during a Blackout.
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes could trespass Hoist limit.
  • Fixed an issue where mandatory talks were displayed for client in multiplayer sessions.
  • Fixed an issue where Crystal Bot's health bonus wasn't updated for client in multiplayer sessions.
  • Fixed an issue where client may be unable to move their character upon joining a multiplayer lobby.
  • Fixed an issue where the loading bar was regressing when a user was joining a multiplayer session from the Saloon.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could encounter an infinite loading screen when no network was available.
  • Fixed an issue where game invite can be accepted while already joining the same multiplayer session.
  • Fixed an issue where ping was spawned on the wrong Hero as host of a multiplayer session.
  • Added Difficulty mode choice when launching a run.
  • Added new loading tips.
  • Added quest info in Hero back menu.
  • Added 'new' hints for new unlocked content.
  • Added meta collectibles stock feedback in Saloon HUD.
  • Improved information displayed in the game end screen.
  • Increased the font sizes throughout the whole game.
  • Improved feedback in several screens in multiplayer sessions.
  • Improved progress information in the Hoist.
  • Improved Beverages feedback.
  • Improved Station Map feedback and navigation.
  • Improved several cinematics in tutorial, Hoist and Reactor scenes.
  • Fixed an issue where Saloon improvements were not properly ordered.
  • Fixed an issue where Steles deactivation was not highlighted enough.
  • Fixed several text issues.
  • Fixed an issue where SFX of explosive barrels was duplicated.


PS5 Patch November 06th (1.1.10083)

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when trying to upgrade the crystal bot. 
Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Nov 29, 2023, 4:11:45 PM

PS5 Patch November 16th (1.1.10131)

With this patch we Improved the overall experience and the way meta progression worked in Multiplayer. 

Now Clients can unlock Heroes and Achievements at the same time as the Host of the games.

  • Improved the way meta progression works in multiplayer sessions. Clients in multiplayer can now completely unlock heroes and progress the hero quests alongside the host player.  

  • Improved the way achievements are handled in multiplayer. Clients in multiplayer now progress their achievements. Please note that this is not retroactive. 

  • Improved the way district trophies in the saloon are handled in multiplayer. Clients in multiplayer now also unlocks them for their own progression. Please note that this is not retroactive. 

  • Improved the way saloon band unlocks are handled in multiplayer. Clients in multiplayer now also unlocks the different band members for their own progression. Please note that this is not retroactive. 

  • Improved the way crystal chip slot unlocks are handled in multiplayer. Clients in multiplayer now also unlocks for their own progression. Please note that this is not retroactive. 

  • Improved the way journal content unlocks in the library are handled in multiplayer. Clients in multiplayer now also unlocks for their own progression. Please note that this is not retroactive. 

  • Improved the way archives content unlocks in the library are handled in multiplayer. Clients in multiplayer now also unlocks for their own progression. Please note that this is not retroactive. 

  • Improved how Library stand works in multiplayer for clients. Client can now unlock station stories in the saloon without going back to their own game. 

  • Increased the font size throughout the game. We plan on continuing improving this as we go on further patches.  

  • Fixed several issues with Crystal Bot pathfinding, lowering the occurrences where it could become stuck. 

  • Fixed an issue where clients in multiplayer could delete their save in specific occurences  

  • Fixed a crash that could occur during the Eriaudy boss encounter in specific conditions. 

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to host a lobby after an internet connection interruption. 

  • Fixed a softlock that could occur during the Red Dead Eye boss encounter in hard difficulty. 

  • Fixed a softlock where the Pause Menu was empty in specific conditions 

  • Fixed an issue where MitoSis monsters could not be killed anymore. 

  • Fixed an issue where the difficulty menu was not opening properly during the first run. 

  • Fixed an issue where clients could not interact with anything in the saloon in specifc conditions. 

  • Fixed an issue where attacks telegraph were missing for clients during the Shelldiver boss encounter. 

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving a multiplayer game session. 

  • Fixed an issue where a map could be generated with a chest blocking player from progressing. 

  • Fixed an issue where the number of keys required to unlock a district was not properly updated in the Station Map.  

  • Fixed an issue where an error could occur for the Host after taking a Memento in multiplayer session. 

  • Removed excessive web calls to our Games2Gether website 

  • Fixed an issue where players could not damage Eriaudy when core defenses were active (this is a buff!) 

  • Fixed an issue where the EULA screen could be ignored. 

  • Updated the credits for the game.  

  • Fixed 7 various crashes. 

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Dec 5, 2023, 2:04:47 PM

PS5 Patch December 05th (1.2.10363)

  • Reduced base maximum number of souls of Shroom from 5 to 3. 
  • Reduced the base health of Comrade's turret from 200 to 120. 
  • Reduced the base damage of Comrade's turret from 15 to 8. 
  • Increased the cooldown of Blaze's ultimate skill by 15%. 
  • Increased the range of Bunker's active skill by 3 meters. 
  • Increased the stun duration of Bunker's active skill from 2 to 5 seconds. 
  • Increased the cooldown of Bunker's ultimate skill from 10 to 20 seconds. 
  • Tweaked Bunker's upgrade 'Protect and Serve' so that it cannot target bosses anymore. This is ... a nerf! 
  • Tweaked Fassie's ultimate skill so that it cannot target bosses anymore. 
  • Increased the cooldown of Cartie's ultimate skill from 15 to 25 seconds. 
  • Increased the cooldown of Sweeper ultimate skill from 15 to 25 seconds. 
  • Capped the maximum effect of Zed’s passive skill at 40 monsters.  
  • Increased the cooldown of Zed's active skill from 15 to 25 seconds. 
  • Merchant now offers up to 5 choices. 
  • Choices at the merchant can now be rerolled with Dust.  
  • Reduced the damage of all weapons by 10%. 
  • Tweaked weapon mods effects so they always give 10% more damage. 
  • Increased the damage of turrets by 10%. 
  • Increased the cost of the Holohero Plus! turret from 8 to 14. 
  • Increased the cost of the Amplifier turret from 10 to 12. 
  • Changed the targeting behavior of Ghost monsters, they will now focus the crystal first.  
  • Reduced the invisibility duration of Ghost monsters from 10 to 4 seconds. 
  • Added a movement speed bonus to Ghost monsters when they are invisible. 
  • Increased the base health of Ghost monsters from 150 to 170. 
  • Reduced the health of Royal Shyness monsters from 140 to 120. 
  • Increased the defense of Royal Shyness monsters when rolling from 30% to 70%. 
  • Reduced the damage of Praetorian monsters from 80 to 70. 
  • Reduced the range of attacks of Refluxer monsters from 4 to 3 meters. 
  • Reduced the number of monsters present on a spawner when a player discovers it by 50%.  
  • Removed the stele Finishing Move from Life Incubator district. 
  • Tweaked where dark rooms could appear: they will mostly spawn in the deepest districts now.  
  • Reduced the health regen on the Crystal Bot in the elevator by 5% in the 3 easiest difficulties.  
  • Weapon drops take into account the number of heroes wielding heavy and light weapons. If you have more heroes wielding heavy weapons, more heavy weapons will drop. 
  • Introduced a new option for PS5 & Xbox Series that allows players to choose between prioritising graphics or a higher FPS count.  
  • Added a positive something (wink wink) when you discover the last room of a district. 
  • Added 4 new skins for Blaze, Fassie, Cartie and Sweeper. Maybe one is related to a dog... 
  • Added two new beverages to challenge yourself even further! 
  • Overhauled the Beverage screen. 
  • Added beverage information in the hero selection screen.  
  • Added a way to filter weapon by elementary damage type in the workshop. 
  • Improved the order of the saloon improvements in the workshop.  
  • Added information about quests in the hero selection screen.  
  • Added a shortcut the album in the workshop. 
  • Added new tutorial instructions.  
  • Improved the way critical notifications are displayed.  
  • Improved feedback for heroes being knocked out.  
  • Added feedback for heroes leveling up.  
  • Added feedback to remind players they can use the crystal shards to upgrade the crystal bot.  
  • Improved readability of the feedback when Bug Momma and Eryaudi bosses are hit.  
  • Added a localization string to clarify the stele deactivation mechanic.  
  • Improved the wording and the feedback for the score in the game summary screen. 
  • Tweaked the sound when Bunker is hit during her ultimate. 
  • Improved the audio effects on Fassie voice lines. 
  • Added a new sound when Comrade heals generators.  
  • Added a sound when Bunker is taking damage during her ultimate.  
  • Added a new sound when discovering a monster spawner.  
  • Added new sounds when switching weapons.  
  • Added new sounds on the tutorial boxes. 
  • Added a new sound when turrets are upgraded.  
  • Added a new sound when doors are openable after slotting the crystal in a new crystal slot.  
  • Added a new sound when opening a door. 
  • Added a new sound when discovering the merchant. 
  • Added a new sound to the environmental notes interface. 
  • Improved charged weapons sound effects. 
  • Improved the audio mix for the Meta Tazer weapon. 
  • Improved the tutorial audio mix. 
  • Added a specific 3D object for the Crypto Keys. 
  • Improved the navigation in Astral Harbour landmark spaceship room.  
  • Tweaked the way monsters are rendered behind walls to make them more noticeable.  
  • Reduced the delay for the heroes quest preview to appear on the starting points. 
  • Added the heroes quest preview for clients in multiplayer games. 
  • Updated the credits of the game. 
  • Fixed an issue where the monster families were not properly updated in the elevator when selecting the next district. 
  • Fixed an issue where the next quest was displayed in the Pause Menu after completing a quest without having to go back to the Saloon.  
  • Fixed an issue where the heroes quest preview was not properly updated in the elevator after completing a quest. 
  • Fixed an issue where looting a crypto key was not properly displayed in the collectible counters in the Station Map. 
  • Fixed an issue where having too many talks to exhaust with an NPC could prevent from unlocking that NPC in the roster.  
  • Fixed an issue where the feedback applied on monsters by Fassie's ultimate was not properly removed after the end of the ability. 
  • Fixed an issue where the feedback for Blaze's ultimate was not displayed properly. 
  • Fixed an issue where the "NEW!" Labels in the album were not displayed properly in specific conditions.  
  • Fixed an issue where the feedback for the passive skill of Cartie could be displayed on all heroes.  
  • Fixed an issue where a "NEW!" was always displayed in the Heroes tab of the Library.  
  • Fixed an issue where killing elite and quest variants of monsters was not properly taken in account in the Album. 
  • Fixed an issue where collecting mementoes would not be displayed properly in the archive. 
  • Fixed and issue where the breaker sound effect could be replayed every time you loaded a save straight into a district.  
  • Fixed an issue where you could hear sounds of the game during the introduction cinematic when relaunching the tutorial.  
  • Fixed an issue where the loot found section in the game over summary could not be navigated using a controller.  
  • Fixed an issue where the "Completed District Bonus" in the game summary screen had a negative value.  
  • Fixed an issue where visual issues could appear on the health bar of the Red Dead Eye boss. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Bug Momma boss was blinking when launching projectiles. 
  • Fixed an issue where the visual effects of the AI Manager were not disappearing properly after killing it.  
  • Fixed an issue where the health bar for Eryaudi was missing after Eryaudi reappeared.  
  • Fixed an issue where the visuals of the charging beast attacks were not disappearing properly.  
  • Fixed an issue where tutorial boxes could disappear when opening the Pause menu.  
  • Fixed an issue where the crystal shard icon used was an old asset in some places.  
  • Fixed an issue where some players actions such as using a breaker could alter the audio mix very noticeably until the next relaunch. 
  • Fixed an issue where sound could be missing when doors closed in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Bug Momma boss music was played twice.  
  • Fixed an issue where the characters were not positioned properly in the [REDACTED] cutscene. 
  • Fixed an issue where collecting all mementoes would not unlock something I am not authorized to disclose here (sorry!). 
  • Fixed an issue where the default value of the microphone volume could cause saturation.  
  • Fixed an issue where invisible collision could appear (got it?) in some Astral Harbour, in Hive Mind and the Core district. 
  • Fixed an issue where some 3D elements had a wrong shadow in Devotion Garden districts.  
  • Fixed an issue where the space between turrets and 3D elements was not walkable in some Labor Colony districts.  
  • Fixed an issue where the CO-OP menu was not properly greyed out when losing internet connection. 
  • Fixed an issue where the quality of weapons dropping in the dungeon was not behaving as intended. 
  • Fixed an issue where the ultimate skill of Artificer was dealing wayyyyy less damage than intended. 
  • Fixed an issue where buying any hero chips would cost more than intended.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Technophobia achievement could not be unlocked in most cases. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Mint Condition achievement could not be unlocked.  
  • Fixed an issue where Eryaudi boss encounter was too long in Friendly difficulty.  
  • Fixed an issue where the "No Crystal Damage Bonus" at the end of a zone was not given to players when the crystal when it should have been.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Ghost Elite monster invisibility was sometimes triggered at the wrong time. 
  • Fixed an issue where you could kill the Shelldiver boss right as it spawned (no, we won't tell you how to do it). 
  • Fixed an issue where blobs were in Transcendence Center instead of bots.  
  • Fixed an issue where building the Party Favors turret could allow heroes to run through turrets.  
  • Fixed an issue where the position of pots was causing pathfinding issues in specific conditions.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Laser Blinder turret could not be upgraded above a specific level by shoving it. 
  • Fixed an issue where the weapon could disappear when wielded by Cartie.  
  • Fixed an issue where players could be missing cells rewarded by quests in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when upgrading the crystal for the sixth time for Cartie’s questline. 
  • Fixed a softlock happening when switching between controller and mouse/keyboard in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed a softlock that could happen where finishing a district in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed a softlock that could happen when loading where loading up a save made in the Bug Momma boss room.   
  • Fixed a softlock that could happen when a chest was blocking players in some Astral Harbours in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed an infinite loading screen when using a save in specific conditions.  
  • Fixed an infinite loading that could happen after reading environmental notes in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed a softlock where Bug Momma was not killable after loading a save.  
  • Fixed an issue where players in the recently played with list were incorrectly shown as offline. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where interactions with NPCs were labelled as mandatory for clients.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the host could only see quests for heroes controlled by players in the hacking post and the heroes quest preview at the starting points. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where clients could see an empty quest box in a district in specific conditions.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where information about meta collectibles and quests was missing in the elevator for clients.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where players could not complete Shroom's first quest.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where district trophies in the saloon didn't appear for clients. 
  • Fixed an issue where the icon of the game difficulty was not properly updated in the hero selection screen.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where pings were not seen by the player sending it.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where color of pings could be incorrect.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where position of pings could be incorrect.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the activity feedback of monster spawners was not properly displayed for clients.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the Bug Momma boss was desynchronized for clients. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the Red Dead Eye boss was desynchronized for clients. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where clients could use Cartie, Blaze and Fassie ultimate abilities twice in a row.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the number of turrets Comrade could build was not properly updated for clients.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where information about the quests were missing in the hacking posts for clients. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where reading the dialogs with NPCs didn't change the feedback for clients.  
  • Fixed a softlock in multiplayer games that could happen when rejoining the game during the Shelldiver boss encounter. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where Zed could collide into the bar in the saloon for clients.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where clients could not start quests for heroes they didn’t own yet.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where clients could not complete Sweeper first quest. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games when selecting heroes in the lobby in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed a crash for non Playstation Plus players where a crash could happen in the main menu when trying to use the multiplayer features of the game.
Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Dec 20, 2023, 1:31:06 PM

PS5 Patch December 20th (1.2.10388)

  • Overall increased the size of the fonts throughout the game. Don’t forget, that you can change the UI scale in the game options if you feel like you need to. 
  • Introduced a Push-To-Talk Feature. You can opt-in using this in the Audio options sub-menu.  
  • Fixed a softlock where the floor was missing in a seed of Security Vault.  
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where the quest display in the Station maps for clients after returning from a run was incorrect. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the current quest is not being displayed as in progress in the Album for clients. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where clients could not get any progress towards achievements after rejoining the game. 
  • Fixed a crash in multiplayer games.
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a year ago
Feb 19, 2024, 2:52:09 PM

PS5 & PS4 patch, February 19 (1.3.10506)

  • Adds support for the Like A Dragon : Infinite Wealth DLC 
  • Adds influencer skins (directly ingame) & Twitch Drop skins (Make sure to follow the steps)
  • Ensured merchant was always offering 5 items 
  • Added new tutorials throughout the game. 
  • Improved sound effects when Bunker is being hit during her ultimate. 
  • Improved sound effects when rerolling what the Merchant or the Hero Upgrader was offering. 
  • The call to action UI element about the crystal upgrade is now animated. 
  • Fixed an issue where the videos in game could be muted in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed an issue where the weapon mods were not applied in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed an issue where the smoke effect during the Eryaudi boss encounter could stay visible in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed an issue where disabled turrets could still track enemies. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Amplifier turret was not getting a bonus when being shoved. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Crystal Bot could get stuck in the Core District in a pillar. 
  • Fixed an issue where the label on UI elements on doors during boss encounters was misleading. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where clients with a lot of achievements could prevent the host from getting achievements of their own in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where clients could only see their hero quests in the HUD and the station map screen. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the client could not see their hero chip equipped in the dungeon. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the counter on finished hero quests could be off by 1 for clients.   
  • Fixed a frequent crash caused by an infinite loop with a corrupted buffer.
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a year ago
Mar 4, 2024, 4:36:24 PM

PS5 & PS4 patch, March 4 (1.5.10702)

New things 

You can check the OFFICIAL BLOG to get more information regarding these new features and more details regarding this alteration of monsters.

At the end of the changelog, you will get all the details of the District Drawbacks and Station Cards.

  • Introduced the station card feature. When entering in a new district (even the first one), players will be able to choose between two to three buffs remaining for the whole run. 
  • Introduced district drawbacks feature. Districts will now have a random modifier applied to them that will help differentiate each run. 
  • Introduced 4 new monsters that players will encounter when exploring the station.


  • Added a DotE inspired skin for Comrade. Congrats on reaching the stretch goal!


Balancing and Improvement

  • Continued to improve the music mix. 
  • Added sound effects when players use Dust to reroll options at the Merchant. 
  • Tweaked the information pop-up in the main menu so that players don't miss it easily.  
  • Improved sound effects around the Danger Meter. 
  • Improved sound effects when collecting resources. 
  • Updated the credits 
  • Added a new station card: Turret Tenacity, double the duration of turret boost. 
  • Added an achievement when unlocking enough Station Cards. 
  • Set Ardent Shadow Hp from 260 to 300. 
  • Reduced telegraph attack of firestorm calamity from 2s to 1.5s. 
  • Increased duration zone of Volt Jolt from 4s to 6s. 
  • General balancing on Alternate Monsters. 
  • Added a new confirmation screen when there is a mismatch between the local save and the cloud storage save to let the player pick which save to keep.  
  • Added information about District Drawbacks in the tactical map. 
  • Added feedback when trying to build a turret after reaching the turret limit of the room. 
  • Added feedback to highlight turret boosting.  
  • Added feedback to highlight triggering crystal specialty  
  • Improved readability of District Drawbacks in the hoist. 
  • Improved the way district notes are displayed in the album. 
  • Improved the station card selection animation. 
  • Improved District Notes menu. 
  • Improved platform shuttle UI infos display for clients in multiplayer. 

Bug fixing

  • Fixed an issue where Shroom was healing herself even when the hit points lost were minimal. 
  • Fixed an issue where skill efficiency was not applied properly to Cartie’s skills. 
  • Fixed an issue where all chests could be empty during a run. 
  • Fixed an issue where the feedback on the Shelldiver room door was incorrect before stating the boss encounter. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could be blocked in Life Incubator in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could deselect the chosen cocktail during the UI animation.  
  • Fixed an issue where text could overlap in the description of some elements in the Workshop. 
  • Fixed an issue where audio was not played when opening the information pop-up.  
  • Fixed an issue where the button prompt to open the information pop-up could bleed out from the UI when using a controller. 
  • Fixed an issue where a text for choosing a cocktail could overlap with the navigation button prompt in Brazilian Portuguese. 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where Eryaudi could be reset to full health. 
  • Various localization fixes and improvements. 
  • Fixed an issue in the hero selection screen where the stats layouts of unselected heroes did not match the ones on selected heroes.  
  • Fixed an issue where the penalty of the “-30% Attack Damage on Heroes when they are in the same room” District Drawback was stronger than intended.  
  • Fixed an issue where the buff of “+30% chance of getting a random turret automatically built on Special Turret Slots” Station Card was stronger than intended.  
  • Fixed an issue where the "Uncrackable Crystal" Station Card was also adding immunity to the crystal bot. This was a bit too much! 
  • Fixed an issue where the pulsing feedback to highlight turret slots was not playing in the tutorial in specific conditions. 
  • Fixed a GPU crash. 
  • Fixed an issue where Crystal Specialty disappears when selecting a Station Card without a Crystal Specialty effect. 
  • Fixed max texture sizes on several skins and the Mitosis monster. 
  • Fixed exceptions in the stat system after loading an old save. 
  • Fixed an audio issue with the Elite Guardian monster. 
  • Fixed several issues to prevent save loss.  
  • (Community) Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the Sweeper quest line could be not completed.  
  • (Community) Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where feedback was missing during the Eriaudy boss fights for clients 
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where the aiming laser of other players was going through walls.  
  • Fixed clients' quests not being tracked after loading a save. 
  • Fixed environmental notes of clients' quest not spawning if the host had already read it. 
  • Fixed weapon category always displaying "heavy" in tooltips for clients.

Station Cards Effects

  • Crystal Bot Special makes the Crystal Bot immune to damage for 10s
  • Crystal bot special freezes all monsters for 5s
  • Crystal bot special refreshes every skill and ultimate cooldown
  • Crystal Bot Special repairs all turrets and generators by 30%
  • Crystal bot special makes turret, generator and heroes immune to damage for 10s
  • On pick, +50 Science
  • On pick, +50 Food
  • On pick, +50 Industry
  • On pick, +25 Food, industry and science
  • +1 Free item at the merchant
  • Explosive pots respawn after 15s
  • -50% respawn duration on explosive pot
  • +50% explosive pot damage
  • +3% permanent damage bonus for each medkit used
  • +15 maximum health for each medikit used
  • On pick, +2 new turrets level 1 
  • On pick, replaces 2 researched turret types by new random turrets but with +1 level
  • Gives for free 1 turret research on each research terminal
  • +1 Free item in the merchant
  • On Special Turret sl0t, -70% of construction cost
  • On special turret sl0t , +1} level on turret
  • On special turret sl0t , +30% chance of getting a random turret automatically built
  • +1 special turret sl0t in each room
  • 'On Special Turret sl0t , +40% Attack Damage on built turret
  • On special turret sl0t , turret is untargetable by monsters
  • +15% return damage on turrets
  • +50% HP on turrets
  • +10 regen per second on active turrets 
  • Heals 10% Health per second on turret
  • Heals 20% Health on deactivated turrets after 15s
  • +80% defense on turret on turret boost
  • +50% turret boost duration
  • +20% damage and +20% efficiency on turret boost
  • +1500% turret knockback on turret boost

District Drawbacks Effects

  • Turrets get +30% HP but are permanently destroyed when reaching 0HP
  • 3 turrets maximum can be built per room 
  • -50 HP on turrets at every attack 
  • No turret level up
  • +10% movement speed on Elite monsters (red glowing ones) 
  • +40% damage and +50% knockback on monsters 
  • Per zone, turret cost increases of 1 each time this turret type is built
  • -30% damage when heroes in the same room
  •  -40% Attack Damage  -40 defense on heroes in Crystal room
  • 10 Health Max on Generators
  • -30% movement speed on crystal
  • -80% HP on crystal bot but +3 HP on crystal bot per door opened
  • -30% on crystal bot actions speed
  • Damage 15% Health Max on crystal
  • -2 base door Food production
  • -2 base door Science production
  • -2 base door Industry production
  • -80% starting resources
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a year ago
Apr 12, 2024, 3:12:14 PM

PS4/PS5 Version Number: 1.5.10709 

While we continue to work on the next Update, we had to make some changes to the text in the content management menu. Unfortunately, due to the way the data is bundled into files, this patch may be a large download despite the small change. We are sorry for the inconvenience.



  • Adjusted the description of the Ichiban and Kiryu Skin Pack
Updated a year ago.
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