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4 years ago
Jul 18, 2020, 12:31:27 AM

I would like to see your diagnostic html files. They are located in "Documents\Endless Legend\Temporary Files" (the 4 html files). I have tracked down the issue, but I dont know yet what causes it exactly, will look into more tomorrow and probably provide a beta version with a hotfix.

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4 years ago
Jul 19, 2020, 12:01:45 PM

There are several headscratchers in these Diagnostic files. First of all, the hash key of version 2.6.0 should be "52848886499AE6CAB338B7460CEE097E" but the one of your files reads 

Runtime hash key = 'CE1AC5D9EAA2559A1BFDE0BD63E27E3F'.

This either means you modded your files (in which case you probably made a mistake), or something went wrong when installing elcp. There are also some strange (and for me unreproducable) errormessages concerning hero abilities. Did you modify the hero profiles? Anyway, my standard advice to fix this is: delete all the contents of your public folder, then use "verify integrity of your files" and once thats finished, install ELCP over it again. Please keep in mind that if you use the zip-Installation, that files have to be replaced by the ones in the zip package.

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4 years ago
Jul 19, 2020, 10:43:48 PM


I did an uninstall of ELPC, verify via Steam, then new ELPC installer install.

I did modify one file which is the hero abilities file (for generation of new heroes and their abilities) and appear to have set a few level 3 where these don't exist. But everything else is vanilla

That's probably why the hash doesn't match!

Haven't modified other files though (I previously modified the quests file to increase number of total occurences for quests only)

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4 years ago
Jul 20, 2020, 12:32:41 AM

The faulty modding could easily be the cause of your issues if the update function attached to it aborted. You'll have to restart the game again and check again. You should consider making a proper mod so you dont always have to redo your changes again when you install a new version. And always check the diagnostics for errors like these if you do changes.

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4 years ago
Jul 30, 2020, 8:02:54 PM


Maybe it's out of scope request but is it possible to alter with the tech cost? Without affecting every other gameplay mechanics, I mean. Because lately I'm hooked on this mod. With few try&errors I was able to make a perfectly balanced timeline for my taste. It really allowed me to truly live the age without slowing down the gameplay. It would be awesome to have the same thing for this too.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jul 30, 2020, 10:55:38 PM

Oh its a civ mod. Well still, this is outside ELCP's scope and can easily be done via xml modding, so a similar mod for ELs workshop wouldnt be too hard, but I dont have the time to do it.

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4 years ago
Aug 2, 2020, 5:59:41 PM

Hi there.
Thanks for the amazing mod, makes quite a difference.

Is it a vanilla thing that sometimes AI spams settlers (I reported it here https://www.games2gether.com/amplitude-studios/endless-legend/forums/115-bug-reports/threads/36611-ai-settler-spam )?
Can it be fixed?

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4 years ago
Aug 2, 2020, 8:01:09 PM
saamohod wrote:

Hi there.
Thanks for the amazing mod, makes quite a difference.

Is it a vanilla thing that sometimes AI spams settlers (I reported it here https://www.games2gether.com/amplitude-studios/endless-legend/forums/115-bug-reports/threads/36611-ai-settler-spam )?
Can it be fixed?

Settler spam was a famous bug in the vanilla game which shouldnt happen anymore in ELCP. If it still does I would need a savegame, maybe I can see whats going on. 

ELCP is always active until you uninstall it

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4 years ago
Aug 3, 2020, 4:51:43 PM
LeaderEnemyBoss wrote:

Settler spam was a famous bug in the vanilla game which shouldnt happen anymore in ELCP. If it still does I would need a savegame, maybe I can see whats going on. 

Wild Walk.sav

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4 years ago
Aug 5, 2020, 12:49:33 AM

I was playing a game when I noticed that my neighbour's cities started disappearing.

Around 100 turn in Slow game mode provinces that were adjacent to me became neutral again although they used to belong to Drakken AI (https://i.imgur.com/yUoxAKJ.jpg). All three neutral provinces in the screenshot are no longer Drakken's.

I sent a scout and found this https://i.imgur.com/UOBNASz.jpg

A swarm of apparently quest Tetikes are sieging the last Drakken city. Tetikes are roaming armies, but the flag logo (not the color) on the siege belongs to the Broken Lords.

What's happening here? How normal is it? A whole faction was effortlessly wiped by an event that was apparently even triggered by another AI player?
How do I disable this quest altogether?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 6, 2020, 8:57:59 PM

I had a look at your save and found the reason for the bug slipping through again. The AI doesnt count settlers that are garrisoned in camps when trying to figure out how many it already has, leading to an infinite loop. Luckily this behavior should rarely happen (this is the first time it has been reported since my last fixes to the colonization AI).

I already answered your other question on reddit, but for everyone else reading: I will make the AI a bit smarter when activating that revamped quest in the future so it doesnt tend to kill  itself on lower difficulties.

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4 years ago
Aug 7, 2020, 6:45:19 PM

Do I understand you correctly that the bug is rare because there is only one faction that can build camps (Kapaku)? In this case the bug would really be rare in general, but frequent among Kapaku AI.
Correct me if I'm wrong, that's what I managed to gather from your previous post.

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4 years ago
Aug 7, 2020, 8:29:41 PM
saamohod wrote:

Do I understand you correctly that the bug is rare because there is only one faction that can build camps (Kapaku)? In this case the bug would really be rare in general, but frequent among Kapaku AI.
Correct me if I'm wrong, that's what I managed to gather from your previous post.

Its rare because only Kapaku AI can encounter it and it should be rare even for them as they only park settlers in camps under specific circumstances. At least I have never encountered itr before. I am still fixing it for the next version ofcourse (and have already done so in my internal build).

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4 years ago
Aug 8, 2020, 9:25:34 PM
LeaderEnemyBoss wrote:
saamohod wrote:

Do I understand you correctly that the bug is rare because there is only one faction that can build camps (Kapaku)? In this case the bug would really be rare in general, but frequent among Kapaku AI.
Correct me if I'm wrong, that's what I managed to gather from your previous post.

Its rare because only Kapaku AI can encounter it and it should be rare even for them as they only park settlers in camps under specific circumstances. At least I have never encountered itr before. I am still fixing it for the next version ofcourse (and have already done so in my internal build).

Sounds great.

Looking forward to the next release.

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4 years ago
Aug 9, 2020, 5:56:54 PM

I'll say it here as well, since I'm not sure where to put it best.

First of all: thanks for making the patch! It really helped with the "hanging on loading empires" problem (urkan missing by death of a race possessing it, and game hanged).

One little problem, though. I'm not sure it's related to the ELCP or not, but I have (well, play) the game on two PC's with my steam account. Now, on one I had installed the ELCP, on the other not. But, even with the saves in steamcloud, the other PC wouldn't play the saved games anymore. Some sort of null-exception/error, or something, and the game didn't start up. Now, I tried to install ELCP on the second as well, thinking it had to do with that. But at the same time, I thought: why don't I move the game to my SSD? (It was still on my old HD on the PC, and an SSD is much faster, but I don't have much room there.)

And so I did. However... When I use the ELCP.exe, it ALWAYS goes to where it used to be, on my G drive. And I don't see any option to tell it to go to the other instalment? I used to think it was because it looked at where steam was installed, and not at the SteamLibrary. So I even installed the whole steamclient on my SSD as well, not just the game. But I *still* get th null-expection error and the game(s) don't start up (except those that I start anew from scratch).

Now, I'm not 100% it has to do with the ELCP, but I strongly suspect it is. I've already retried doing everything, having a verifying/integrety check (which should get rid of all superflous ELCP remnants, right?) and then trying to reinstall ELCP, but the exe STILL doesn't download in the C:, even though now my game AND my steamclient is installed there. So I don't know how it's still looking and auto-installing on the G:, where it used to be??

Anyway...: is there a way to force it to install it on my main SSD, the C:, and overrule the auto-install on it? So I can at least try if that's the cause of the problem. If both games have the ELCP, there shouldn't be a problem playing eachother games anymore, and if it still does give the error, it's not ELCP related.

So can you or anyone tell me how to get the ELCP to install in the c: volume?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 9, 2020, 6:30:31 PM

First of all, you can't load elcp saves with vanilla, just like you cant load saves of a newer game version with and older one.

As for your elcp problem: Try uninstalling elcp properly (either via the windows uninstall menu or via the file "unins000.exe" in the folder elcp currently resides in). After that you should be able to reinstall it with the installer, and it will ask you for the correct folder if it doesnt find it on its own. Alternatively you can also just download the zip file and copy-paste all elcp files into the correct folder.

Updated 4 years ago.
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