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Endless Legend Community Patch

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3 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 3:56:02 AM

I finally managed to get Endless Legend with the latest ELCP mod working on a Linux OS. If anyone else is having issues with this and would like a walk through of how I managed it, check out my YouTube tutorial here:

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2022, 12:01:35 PM

I know there is little support on this patch now, but I just want to point out that possibly, and dont know if it can be done, to update the OpenSSL inside the game itself. The bug with SHA on the current openssl inside the game causes some splash screen crashes for users on newer CPUs:

OpenSSL* SHA Crash Bug Requires Application Update (intel.com)

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3 years ago
Sep 6, 2022, 10:12:06 AM
ReneTS wrote:

Anyone got this working on windows11? It just chrashes at startup for me.

Perhaps this fix is of use for you?

"At the bottom left of your computer next to the windows button there should be a search bar. Click on it and type “env”. Then proceed to click on “edit the system environment variables”.There should now be a new window with the words system properties at the top.Click on environment variables near the bottom of the new window.Now click on the “new” that’s just above “ok” and “cancel”.Put "OPENSSL_ia32cap" as your Variable name and "~0x20000000" as value.Now click ok to add it.Proceed to click on ok again this time the one at the window that has the system variables on it.Now endless legend will work."

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3 years ago
Sep 18, 2022, 11:52:08 PM

I was having a issue with windows 11 with just the base game, but it turns out if I turn off my VPN it works fine. After that I installed this mod again and it seems to work just fine, Maybe try that if you have a VPN?

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2 years ago
Oct 30, 2022, 12:28:01 AM

It'd be nice to have some sort of a warning after the Cursed Bounty quest about 5 armies of Tetike attacking the player.

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2 years ago
Dec 15, 2022, 10:15:19 AM
LeaderEnemyBoss wrote:
Activating a Luxury Booster when that Booster is already active now only resets the time instead of adding it on top

But activating Holy (strategic) Resource Booster still adding it on top. Can you change that to make all Boosters working the same way?

Also, can you make available the option to dismiss units outside own territory when Mercenary Market is researched? For now, having Mercenary Market, there is no way to get rid of unnecessary units that are far from own territory.

Thank you in advance, also many thanks for the great work already done on the ELCP.

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2 years ago
Feb 27, 2023, 5:43:38 PM

Here are the fixes that last worked from 2 different users that were having issues running EL on Windows 11 with ELCP installed.  Neither fix is related to the other, but both players could not get the game to work and these are their fixes.

User #1 - Updated their Nvidia drivers to the latest version, it started working immediately.  Before that they had crash after Endless logo or just Black screen hang after logo.

User #2 - They used the Steam beta feature to install Endless Legend beta 1.8.45 Rollback and said this fixed the game.  Someone from Amp named Daarkarrow stated "It was used for some beta testing. Using it is not recommended now." so YMMV with this fix.  I never asked them if they installed that and then uninstalled it, or if they are running it right now with ELCP, so this fix isn't fully explained.

Good Luck


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2 years ago
Feb 27, 2023, 5:44:40 PM
gap81 wrote:

I finally managed to get Endless Legend with the latest ELCP mod working on a Linux OS. If anyone else is having issues with this and would like a walk through of how I managed it, check out my YouTube tutorial here:

I plan to give this a shot soon with Mint and will check out your guide for tips and pre advice to save some pain.  Thanks in advance for sharing your work and success!

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2 years ago
Jun 16, 2023, 4:42:05 AM

So whats the standings of each of the factions with the patch? Not looking for a tier list per say but more to know if some of the weaker ones like forgotten and mykara can stand up to something like Drakken or Kopaku. As well as what changed for them to put them in that better spot.

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2 years ago
Aug 7, 2023, 10:30:20 AM
Groo wrote:
ReneTS wrote:

Anyone got this working on windows11? It just chrashes at startup for me.

Perhaps this fix is of use for you?

"At the bottom left of your computer next to the windows button there should be a search bar. Click on it and type “env”. Then proceed to click on “edit the system environment variables”.There should now be a new window with the words system properties at the top.Click on environment variables near the bottom of the new window.Now click on the “new” that’s just above “ok” and “cancel”.Put "OPENSSL_ia32cap" as your Variable name and "~0x20000000" as value.Now click ok to add it.Proceed to click on ok again this time the one at the window that has the system variables on it.Now endless legend will work."

can confirm it did the trick for me (new laptop, win 11; clean reinstall + elcp , crashing at startup. setting the environement variable corrected the crashing)

Works like a charm now 

after googling some details cause i wasn't so sure about modifying win env variables :) 

(https://steamcommunity.com/app/573100/discussions/0/3196993316877456645/ and devblog by intel linked there) 

it seems like this could also be patched by some other means (like graphics drivers updates or using a beta version, see voodoo magic detailed below)

short version : The game uses an old version of OpenSSL that contains a bug. this workaround force openssl to use another version of the code, that doesn't contains the bug. always possible to revert the change afterwards if need be

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9 months ago
Jun 19, 2024, 4:30:32 AM

Is this mod still being worked on? Also, is ELCP cuts and fixes obsolete? I tried using it with ELCP and it just gave urkans insane stats instead of decreasing their stats...

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9 months ago
Jun 29, 2024, 10:37:54 AM

Can people workin on it expand the debug mode? To be able to turn off AI for all AI factions, and be able to control all at once.

Or just make a game mode where all AI players have no AI, and can be switched by player, so a player who wants to roleplay as all factions at once can roleplay as them ^^

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2 months ago
Jan 26, 2025, 8:14:11 PM

Apparently It doesn't work well on mac. Patch name shows in left corner but new game can't be created. UI is broken and missing components labels showing on.

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2 months ago
Jan 29, 2025, 12:26:50 AM

Just tried to download  it and received an error message saying it contains a virus.

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2 months ago
Jan 29, 2025, 7:33:36 AM

Strange, I downloaded it 10 days ago without any problem.
But you are right, it shows it has virus now.
Could be google drive policy change.
Or (tin foil hat) it has to do something with the strange bots appearing in the forum (one should be above me. Do not click the link, probably virus.)

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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 6:46:56 PM

As a clarification:

  • For some reasons google drive sometimes freaks out about the patch and flags it as a virus. If that happens you can always download the zip-version and install manually.
  • Typically the problem resolves itself after a few days (currently it should work again)
  • Note: please dont download ELCP from any other sources except the ones posted on the first page of this thread (or in my reddit thread). I've had reports in the past of actual malware being downloaded from malicious sites found via google.
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13 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 5:05:12 PM

Good day, fellow Endless wannabe.

May I propose an update to this already wonderful mod y'all got based on the recent finding credited to SapphireSage on my Steam discussion (https://steamcommunity.com/app/289130/discussions/0/599646660884207235/#c501693760287057790)? Wanted to ensure no future Endless wannabes run into the same monstrous bug (no pun intended) that I ran into earlier this week.


Updated 13 days ago.
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