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[MOD] World Generator Customization

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9 years ago
Nov 20, 2015, 6:44:10 AM
I'm impressed because I thought the world generator tried very hard to make sure that there were no isolated ridges which didn't have a ramp up.
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9 years ago
Oct 18, 2015, 4:56:04 PM
I've made necessary corrections.

Unecessary options was deleted, or changed.

I've done many others tests with generation germe and compare many options.

Endless Legend don't really want to make world full of lakes, but with good options it's possible to make interessants things. Landmasses are best when chaotics.



ps: there is some unecessary code in localization, it's because I forget to remove lines of auriga expanded.

I successfuly merged auriga expanded and deadly winters with your mod for personnal use and tests.
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9 years ago
Oct 24, 2015, 8:58:34 AM
J'ai vue que tu était Français alors autant en profiter , le mod ne fonctionne pas pour ma part.

Je n'ai aucune nouvelle option, quand je veus créer une partie rien n'as changer.

J'ai copier les fichier dans le dossier community comme il faut mais rien ne change.

En revanche j'ai remarqué , quand je copie/colle les fichier un deuxiéme WorldGeneratorFullCustomization.xml apparais après 2-3sec.

Bug ou pas ??

En tout cas merci d'avoir mis a jour se Mod même si il ne fonctionne pas pour moi

P.S habituer a GTA V est a ne créer aucun sous dossier, mauvais refléxe

j'ai copié coller le dossier WorldGeneratorFullCustomizationV0_2_1_Enchanteur dans le dossier community et tout marche parfaitement

Encore merci et jolie boulot l'Enchanteur . . . tu vas enchanter mes parties sur endless legend smiley: wink
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9 years ago
Oct 31, 2015, 5:22:48 PM
Hello mindthirst,

If you are agree, i would like to release a big mod merge, with :

- world generator customization

- auriga expanded

- more traits

- Hellfrost

I'm currently testing it in full game.
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9 years ago
Nov 9, 2015, 10:35:32 AM
New version v0.3.0 !



Many things happens since previous version :

- I removed all constraints, so you can choose all you want, but keep in mind that the game could generate strange things if you ask it some impossibles combinations.

- Add news options, one of the most funny is an "infinitesimal" region size, could be even more small, i will try it if I find a name that means smaller than "infinitessimal". Microscopic world can break the map if you don't use carefuly.

- Major work on a "break into component parts" of Ridge and cliff. You can generate very surprised world, like "forest of ridges" world.

Testing the mod : enter a germe number (example : 0) and choose "user" for generation mode.

In this way, you always generate from the same aleatory number (it's pseudo-random), and you can compare generations from same parameters of generation. Choose to make small, tiny or very tiny world, because generation time is smaller.

Type "Enter", then in console, type "/ShowMeTheWay", you will see all the map.
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9 years ago
Nov 13, 2015, 6:03:06 PM
Thanks ! I didn't saw it, currently playing with full detailled custom ridges & cliffs.

I will correct it and add few new stuff soon.
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9 years ago
Nov 16, 2015, 5:26:43 AM
Well, that's something new, cannot wait to try it! Is it maxed cliff delta elevation?
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9 years ago
Nov 20, 2015, 5:32:01 AM
Wow ! Lol. It's impressive. We could imagine a very special city location, on the very top of an elevation.
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9 years ago
Oct 18, 2015, 11:22:16 AM
I have some problems with the generator. I suspect any late change to it.

I'm not sure the previous version work well : I can't generate correctly lakes for now.

So, I will post a new version soon.

Edit : After some more tests, the mod seem to work well.

But % over 100% for lake presence are not considerate by the game.

So I will redo some options because some are useless.

And options with rivers are not all usefull because it's the same, worse, if the min lentgh river is not match, parameter says if the game would draw a river and it don't meet the minimum length, then the game don't draw it instead.

Other things impact the lake creation : MaxLakeBottomElevation in cliff options.

I suspect the game to work like rivers with lake : if parameters says the min lake size is 7, the game will draw lake of all size, and after that, just delete lake that don't match minimum size.

Write a big number is not a good idea so, because at the final result, there is less lake. I've tried this with a min size 32 and max size 50, the game don't draw lake at all.

I don't know if there is another way to force the game to do what I want or if it's hard coded.

So, I understand because I was thinking there was something wrong. In fact, all is ok, but I just choose incompatibles options. I will remove options with high lake min size, or high length rivers, and will try to create RidgesAndCliffs with high lake elevation and verify if there is more lake on the map... /ShowMetheWay !
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9 years ago
Nov 21, 2015, 5:55:47 AM
Nice work Enchanteur, that's rad. You made it into what I always hoped it could be. You definitely have my permission. Actually, one of the things I had intended to update in that version I pulled was to give others full permission to use/edit/etc my mod however they want. But then I had to roll it back. So just to make it clear here, no one needs to ask me in the future. I do appreciate credit though.

The one main thing I had wanted to do with this project, personally, was to also add more options for climate, minor factions, and a few other things. But last time I checked, and I don't think this has changed, it is not currently possible to access a lot of the data needed from the section that defines the map options.

Also, I noticed a few things which may be causing the resource bugs for high resource/anomaly values. Resources have a minimum allowed distance from each other. This may be part of what causes the players to spawn in the arctic regions, unable to move. I recommend not going above 700% for normal size regions, and less for smaller regions.
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9 years ago
Nov 21, 2015, 9:11:11 AM
Thank you for you encouragements.

This mod is the reason why I mod more stuff now.

I just tried to work on it (with difficulty), learn, and learn more.

And after a full understanding, decide to use this knowledge and mod others contents (traits, tech, etc).

Your are of course credited in mod authors and mod description smiley: wink
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9 years ago
Nov 23, 2015, 5:42:41 AM
Enchanteur wrote:

Human player can even hide their armies behind that columns from each other. Wouldn't work on AI though.
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9 years ago
Nov 23, 2015, 12:13:54 PM
The screenshot is for the show. This kind of maps is unplayable, because you can't see your units behind the ridges.
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9 years ago
Nov 23, 2015, 1:45:32 PM
Surely by moving the map past the ridge, you could see most of the hex behind it?
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9 years ago
Feb 3, 2016, 7:33:44 PM
I've played with this mod a few times, and in my most recent playthrough I wanted to make sure the map was generating the way I wanted it to. I wanted a large map, with the empires spread out as much as possible, 8 empires. Here's the relevant settings:

Empire Spawn: Custom

Spawn FIDIS: 0

Spawn Shape: 0

Spawn Far: 20

And this is the result I'm getting:

With the distance setting maxed, there are two empires who spawned TOUCHING each other. This is turn 2, so there wasn't much/any movement. There are large areas completely open.

Any idea what's causing this? Any idea why the zone sizes seem to shrink the further south they are?
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9 years ago
Feb 3, 2016, 7:59:01 PM
Wow, now that's a HUGE map.

Do you intend to play this on the slowest speed setting ?
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9 years ago
Feb 4, 2016, 2:21:50 PM
I don't think I've ever messed with the speed settings. I'm going to try that after I get a map I love =) It's 160 x 100 =)
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10 years ago
Nov 27, 2014, 4:56:34 AM
Thank you for the advice. I've uploaded a new version which does just that. All languages will use the English localisations for the added options, which are mostly numbers anyways. I still would like to update those with basic translations, but I've been unexpectedly busy lately.


My thoughts on the spawn placement, the variable names in the world generator settings file make it almost sound like the generator aims for a minimum fids value for each faction, and the fids weight affects how important hitting that MINIMUM is, and therefor doesn't care as much about going higher than that. So when there are mass fids on the map due to anomalies, it no longer cares much about fids placement because most places fit that requirement. This is just my speculation though.
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