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Celebrate Diversity achievement bug

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9 years ago
Apr 12, 2016, 1:37:19 PM

We did unlock this achievement on our side with no specific problem.

Maybe something went wrong in your game.

Do you still have a save for us to check?
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7 years ago
May 4, 2018, 12:11:39 AM

This bug is still active and im getting it as well.

I have all the other achievements exceptpt the following:

  • 10k turns
  • i did it my way
  • resistance is useless
  • heedful deedful
  • homeland serenity
  • plunderific
  • shapeshifter
  • formian-bane

It really does seem that this achievement is breaking because ohaving full deck unlocked likely shortcuting the check.


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 26, 2018, 11:43:56 AM

Is there a solution to this problem? 

There are several people on steam forums including me who can't seem to solve it. 

I enclosed my diagnostics file   Diagnostics (2018'03'26 @1318'53'').html 

Also tried using the saves given in this thread but sadly they dont work for me anymore though I had several tries myself. 

For instance I tried to use a friends pc using my steam acc as well as my laptop in addition to my desktop pc but it didn't work out. 

Also tried to do it in winter and summer switching forms vice versa. 

Hope so can help or offer any advice.

Looking forward to it. 

All the best


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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 3:27:17 PM

I have the same problem with this achievement. Tried everything, other achievements unlock with no problems. I had also tried it with another Steam account on the same computer. It unlocked on the first try. So it's most likely related to the state of the specific achievement in the Steam profile. So no bug in the game, no network issues, and no unhealthy operating system.

I had a similar problem with a specific achievement of a completely other game earlier this year. The game was Contraption Maker and the achievement was Packing Up. Others on the Internet also had this problem, so I gave up. But a few weeks ago I retried and the achievement unlocked. So I'm going to let it rest for a while and maybe try again when I'm done with the Tempest achievements.

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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 10:26:30 AM
I can only think that you try again on another computer and even in another location if that is possible :/

I will ask around if programmers have other ideas.
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2016, 2:13:51 PM
It is one of three achievements I'm missing. I'd hate it if I couldn't complete them all because of this. Is there anything you might think of that I could do to get it?
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2016, 12:45:34 PM
Unfortunately I don't any specific warning/assert in your file that could explain your issue, except a moment where it seems the game could not get a network statistic (but it was concerning other achievements than the one we talk about here).

I can't say if Steam is just having a hiccup each time you try but so far without proper replication on our side I must admit it will be difficult to fix :/
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 12:24:37 PM
Unfortunately same here.

I've been able to unlock the achievement first try.

Looking at the video it seems to me that you're doing the same thing.

Maybe if we have a look at your Diagnostics file we might see if something goes wrong during the unlock.

Diagnostics.html -

> [Documentsdir]/Endless Legend/Temporary Files/Diagnostics*.html
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2016, 6:27:59 PM
Reinstalled the game. It didn't help. Here is a video of me preforming the same thing just in chase I'm stupid and missing something obvious. The game is a bit choppy since it is an old setup and recording while playing took its tool. Ended two turns just in case...

Note: I'm very torn about ending up just being stupid here. In one case it might solve this problem on the other it might give me a serious blow to self esteem smiley: stickouttongue
Achievement problems.rar
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2016, 10:28:51 AM
Thank you very much for your time. But that is exactly what I have been doing without any success. Also attempted to do it multiple times over 4 playthroughs. Not sure what to do so I guess I'll just try reinstalling the game once again. Hopefully it will fix itself.
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2016, 7:56:38 AM
Hello Peace-Enforcer,

Loading your attached save game file we were able to unlock the achievement and have also added a video file with the steps performed in order to unlock it.

Please let us know if you successfully unlocked it.

video achievement.rar
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2016, 3:02:26 AM
Just reinstalled the whole game. thought that might help if problem is only me. It didn't... smiley: frown

Also I have noticed game doesn't save units that I shifted. If I load the save file pearls are spend but units aren't shifted.
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9 years ago
Apr 12, 2016, 5:02:53 PM
Just tryed it again and nothing happend. Yea I have this save but I'm not sure where to find it so I can upload it
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