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Bug Vaulters Main quest (Build a winter shelter).

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10 years ago
Oct 7, 2014, 7:38:38 AM
So someway the race customization can be the guilty one. I'm sure I've done this step previously playing the proper vaulters race.
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10 years ago
Oct 6, 2014, 1:41:49 PM
Quest worked fine on my first couple of games. But it's the second time in a row I get stuck at the same point... Quest asks to build the winter shelter in a specific city but nothing happens when I finish building it. I've also destroyed and rebuilt it trying to trigger the quest.

I'm playing a custom race based on the Vaulters, hard difficulty on a random generated map and these are all the setting I've modified (from game to game) since when the quest worked (at least on this step).

Attached save game: quest active, facility built in the right city, no reward.

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3 months ago
Nov 24, 2024, 6:36:07 PM

I am fully aware this thread is a decade old, but I encountered this bug today.
Here we are a decade later after it was first reported and then seemingly acknowledged by a dev, and yet the bug is still in the game.
Honestly embarrassing.

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