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Endless Legend 2

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2 years ago
Feb 15, 2023, 1:42:18 AM

Oh, and if you were commenting in a totally general way on this entire thread, feel free to ignore the parts of my reply that assumed it was directed my way, the rest should still be valid though.

This forum is 99% dead and I replied on a ton of threads today, so I assumed any new messages were relatively direct responses, lol. (even though you didn't quote me, but that's also rare here =/)

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2 years ago
Feb 15, 2023, 6:01:31 AM
AXEL-M74 wrote:

There's also the EL Community Patch, but that's not as large of a project as ESG is for ES2. perhaps something like Vox Populi will emerge over time for the game. Who knows. 

Different scopes to each mod. ELCP optimizes the game, fixes bugs, and makes the whole package more playable. From what I understand the balance decisions were largely requested by the EL competitive community, but they aren't anything too big, mostly number changes. ESG however (as the creator of that mod) is more about improving gameplay and making things more fun than optimization or bug fixes (though we certainly have our fair share of bugfixes, as that's how the mod originally started). I honestly don't see a point to having a Vox Populi mod for EL, as the game already feels a bit bloated for content and ELCP "fixes" many of the balancing issues.

hazmat22 wrote:
I believe also neither is likely to see nearly the same active development going forward but I don't know as much about ESG so one can hope.

The two main people behind it, Waky and I, are both pretty busy nowadays, and a lot of what's left to do isn't super important stuff that also requires a lot of work. They'll probably happen some day, but as it stands I don't current have the ability to devote that much time to something without being paid, and Waky is busy in his own career and was largely just working on the mod for fun. So, probably updates, definitely small fixes and tweaks.

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2 years ago
Mar 8, 2023, 1:48:27 PM

I went to check out that thread that was guaranteed to be a disaster and sure enough it was closed, but dammit that person managed to get a real reply from a Dev even =P

(can't comment there, so this is close) [and yes, I know they are 200% different situations and the one is actually much easier to deal with and shut up then the other, hehe]

Not even looking for one now that I'm closing up shop, but gave me a small chuckle.

Take care all,


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a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 6:16:15 AM

I highly doubt we will see EL2 any time soon considering that Humankind basically fits the niche, and it had huge potential on release and still has tremendous potential for expanding. I'd rather see Endless Space 3 as a new game, with more space (pun intended) for fresh ideas and experiments.

So I bet it's either ES3 or some completely new genre (card game a la Magic the Gathering, looter-shooter, you name it).

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a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 7:22:17 AM
pixelgoo wrote:

I highly doubt we will see EL2 any time soon considering that Humankind basically fits the niche, and it had huge potential on release and still has tremendous potential for expanding. I'd rather see Endless Space 3 as a new game, with more space (pun intended) for fresh ideas and experiments.

So I bet it's either ES3 or some completely new genre (card game a la Magic the Gathering, looter-shooter, you name it).

It's always enjoyable to see speculation- keep it coming :) 

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9 months ago
May 21, 2024, 12:30:31 AM
pixelgoo wrote:

I highly doubt we will see EL2 any time soon considering that Humankind basically fits the niche

This is a depressing assertion, Humankind doesn't even come close to "fitting the niche", it's a generic knock off of Civ, utterly vanquished of art or grace. EL blows it away by a country mile.

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9 months ago
Jun 1, 2024, 4:13:02 PM

Amplitude is going to announce a new game this summer. Several months ago, they put out a survey. In the survey, there were a good number of questions pertaining the 4X genre and "Endless Legend". So I have a suspicion the next game is a sequel to "Endless Legend". I asked the developers during a Beer Together; they stayed mum about it, but they did seem amused about the question. So we're going to find out soon, what their next game is!

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8 months ago
Jun 30, 2024, 6:24:34 PM

I am almost sure that we will hear about EL2 pretty soon. To add on to what Zentgraf mentioned, they also got Kael recently on their team. He is the creator of FFH (Fall from Heaven) which is a outstanding mod for civ 4. That and the fact that Kael wants to make a fantasy game and Amplitude got him also guarantees it will be EL2.

I also would love to see FFH standalone game because I believe FFH to have a lot of system that more modern titles have not really touch on yet, but ill be happy with EL2 too.

Updated 8 months ago.
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